domingo, junho 28, 2015



(Por acaso já recebi dois, na verdade três!, prémios literários. Este grau cai na minha casa três natal, a casa astrológica relacionada com escrita.)

"This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to receive praise, awards or rewards when they are due. We often need to be acknowledged for the issues or causes we’ve fought for and the battles we’ve endured. Throughout life, you will probably find this to be an issue. True deeds of valor and bravery should be rewarded. Whether you are rewarded, respected or recognized, for the good things you’ve done or not, you’ll know that you’ve done them. You will find that your efforts will, at some time, be recognized and some appreciation, payment or compensation will be offered. You may also be the one who needs to recognize others’ achievements. Subsequent awards are often greater than the first because the dangers are well understood
Repeated bravery. Medals, tributes or honors given. Having the second baby. Giving thanks. Recognition for persistence. Award ceremonies. Posthumous awards.
The Caution: 'Awards' as band-aids for the purposes of assuaging the guilt of the populace so often produced in war. Desperate for recognition. Rejection lines. Bribery."


"A Soldier Receiving Two Awards For Bravery In Combat. We often need to be acknowledged for the issues or causes we’ve fought for and the battles we’ve endured, whether we come out on top, or not. In your situation, your efforts may be recognized with some show of appreciation or compensation. It may be that you need to recognize another’s achievement, behavior, or ‘Bravery’. Perhaps someone actually made it through by admitting defeat and pulling out when the time was right. If we’ve been wronged by society in some way, and shown ourselves to be strong and able to stand up to difficult or threatening situations, there may need to be reparations paid, money or rewards of some kind to make up for any trauma, lost opportunities or loss of family or social life. There’s a warning though, of the feeling of being desperate to win, regardless of the cost. Sometimes people will fight over who is the most deserving for being battle-scarred and who’s the braver or the stronger or there’s a struggle over who deserves the ‘Award’, who put in the most effort, and who has come out the victor in a situation. It can be discouraging and disappointing if we feel we have to go into ‘Combat’ to prove the merit of our deeds, our life or our beliefs. Sometimes we have to cut our losses before we end up plunging into ‘Combat’ once again. Was the outcome worth what went into it? If you can see the ‘Awards’ in a rewarding light, however they manifest, you can turn your life into a victory showing your power, strength and bravery.

Keywords: Desperate striving for recognition. Rewards for involvement in tough situations. Medals and trophies. Tributes, acknowledgments and benefits given or showered. Award ceremonies. Posthumous awards.. Giving thanks. Compensation. Insurance and legal claims. Recompense for taking action.

The Caution: ‘Awards’ as Band-Aids to assuage guilt produced in war. Expecting money or other rewards for doing anything that one doesn’t want to. The ills, social and otherwise, of combat fighting. Neurotic seeking of praise or acknowledgment. Rejection lines. Bribery."


quinta-feira, junho 25, 2015

Psyche in Scorpio

«Psyche in Scorpio, the most introspective and intense of the Water signs, implies deep empathy. You can be very empathic towards those you feel connected to, and they will feel like you can read their minds when you’re with them. You sense their emotions and sometimes react in your own way as though they are your emotions, even though they are emotions reflected upon you.

In relationships: You yearn for a deep understanding from a partner, his desires must meet yours on a level that you will feel love-making as soul-union. You tend to feel things to the core, and you react with all your being. You want to share a meaningful unity with your partner. Your intense emotions are often tempered with a secret shyness and a respect for you partner, provided he treats you with equal respect.

The Soulmate union that you seek and offer is one that is beautiful, transcendent and cosmic in nature. A connection with you gives them a sense that you blow their mind!

The love that you need is not found in those who are just physical or material. You need depth, understanding, meaningfulness and love from a person who would be able to offer you emotional safety and security, equality, true love and fulfilment.

You wish for someone who would be able to dream with you, be awake with you, hold you when you’re feeling weak, support you in emotional ways to keep you strong and focused. A person strong enough to be your equal. A mate strong enough to stand naked in their soul, meeting your true self behind all your façades.

Don’t deny your hidden true self, or wait for someone to give you permission to be who you really are. The answer to the question of you cannot be someone else’s job to answer, it’s yours. Your secret heart desires to be found, accepted, loved, cherished, adored and embraced. Be it in friendship, in love or in marriage.

This is also where you are strongest and most vulnerable; because your ability to feel or know” what people are thinking, they might consider you someone to be feared or avoided once they feel you know them too well and they wouldn’t want you to see too much into them.

The lover who betrays her trust to even the teensiest degree is out that door, forgotten in a moment. She knows her journey is to find ‘the one’.»



sexta-feira, junho 19, 2015

Pre-Release! Zayn Malik: Astrological Profile and Future! Get now! Only 0.99!

An analysis of the Astrological birth chart and Future trends of Zayn Malik.
Did you ever want to learn about the true self of Zayn Malik, former member of the boy-band 'One Direction'?
In this book you will know more about Zayn Malik’s inner being and what his mission and path in life is.

Get it Now! Only 0.99 cents!


domingo, junho 14, 2015


Epá, excelente questão!
Há já algum tempo que terminei de escrever o livro “O Anjo Zacarias”, que de seguida publiquei na Smashwords. A obra está neste momento disponível, também, noiTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, para quem tem uma assinatura no Scribd e em muitos outros locais. Lembrei-me do livro e de súbito pensei: que faria eu, como iria agir, se de facto me aparecesse um anjo à frente?
Tipo, anjo anjo mesmo, com asas enormes, auréola e ar angelical?
Considerei várias hipóteses.

1) Ia morrer de medo.
2) Caso não fosse acometida de súbito ataque cardíaco ou ataque alérgico derivado das penas (eu sei lá, istonuncasesabe), então tentaria ser o mais lógica e racional possível.
3) A primeira hipótese racional seria: é um alien. Isto é um extraterrestre mascarado de ser angelical porque considera que eu, vã e reles humana, não tenho capacidade emocional nem coragem para dialogar, como igual, com um ET. Se este fosse efectivamente o caso eu iria ficar super,  super ofendida. Virava-me para o alien e dizia assim: Ó, ó extraterrestre, eu sou capaz de dialogar contigo, oh pá! (Desde que não seja sobre Bola.)
4) Ok. Digamos que não é esse o caso. Que de facto o tipo não era extraterrestre. Passaria, então, à fase seguinte. Reconheço que é um gajo com asas.
5) Logicamente isto significa que eu fiquei maluca. Eu estou a alucinar. É a única explicação coerente.
6) Se não estou maluca, então tomei drogas sem saber, portanto para a alucinação passar tenho de esperar pelo menos um dia até elas saírem do sistema.
7) Passaram 24 horas e o anjo ainda lá está? Ok, é tempo de ir para o Hospital porque a única resposta lógica possível, neste momento, é que bati com o toutiço em algum sítio (e deve ter sido tão intenso que nem me lembro que bati com o crânio). Com certeza tenho um hematoma cerebral que me está a causar delírios e visões em 3D.
8) Sigo para o Hospital e digo: Estou a Alucinar, faça-me um TAC, rápido! Eu vejo um anjo aqui, aqui ao meu lado!
9) Se nessa altura me disserem que também o viam perfeitamente e que de facto o gajo vinha artilhado com asas e halo, então o único passo lógico seguinte era aceitar que sim, realmente, aquela era uma entidade celestial.
10) Ok, diria eu, és um anjo. Pronto, és um anjo! Eu não estou doida, és um anjo! Portanto, o que é que tu queres?
11) Talvez ele respondesse:
- Opá, tens cabo? Cortaram-me o serviço, sabes.
E pronto, era o que eu faria.

Como é que vocês se comportariam se vos aparecesse um anjo à frente?


Relembro a promoção: aos leitores que adquiram o livro “OAnjo Zacarias” no site da Smashwords (só 3.99 dólares, cerca de 3.50 euros!), enviem-me um print screen de que o fizeram e eu ofereço uma leitura gratuita de tarot através do email! São três cartas, a representar o passado, presente e futuro!


quarta-feira, junho 10, 2015






domingo, junho 07, 2015

Karezza site

Welcome to Reuniting! The purpose of this site is to explore the connections between sexual behavior, neurochemistry, and relationship harmony, by sharing insights from science and diverse spiritual traditions.
If this is your first time here, the site can be overwhelming because of the sheer volume of material it contains. Below is a list of some of what you will find here, along with links for your convenience.

"What strikes me the most about this whole process is how quick and dramatic the changes were for us. We went from being your typical 20-year married couple to completely open-hearted, always at the ready, 24x7 lovers, in a matter of days! This magnitude of change, occurring in such a short time frame cannot be the result of any sort of cognitive process; that can take years. This is clearly a neurochemical and/or hormonal related process. If there was a pill you could buy to do that, it would be on the front page of every magazine and in a t.v. commercial at every break. But since it's inside every one of us and free, we never hear about it. Such a shame...." (link:

Karezza in the News:

terça-feira, junho 02, 2015

Out of Bounds Moon

Apparently (I just found out) I have an Out of Bounds Moon.

According to this article:

It means:
"What does it mean astrologcaly for the Moon to be Out of Bounds? Start with one merrily anarchic notion: when the Moon’s declination exceeds 23°28' North or 23°28' South, it has escaped the physical space dominated by the gravitational “boss” of the solar system, the Sun.

Let the metaphors free-associate.

The Moon is then, in other words, out of the King’s sight. No longer under Daddy’s thumb. We might say that has moved beyond the Pale. Gone out of control. Or gone wild. It has broken the rules. It has shattered the boundaries, broken the mold, crossed the Rubicon. Bravely, or drunkenly, the Moon has said, “Roll the dice.”

The Out of Bounds Moon is spontaneous, emancipated, liberated, released in its own recognizance, and utterly on its own. It has loudly proclaimed, “You can take this job (. . . marriage, church, obligation, moral principle, town, duty . . .) and shove it.” The Moon has claimed its genius, its passion, and its right to be itself. No need to obfuscate, to be diplomatic, or to lie to anyone anymore—unless you feel like it. No more coprophagious grin. No need to worry about staying in anyone’s good graces. Out of Bounds, the Moon no longer plays the game. It rejects all rules that are not of its own making. “Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are finally free at last!,” said Martin Luther King, Jr.

The words stir the blood. But we need to let them stir the mind as well.

Structure, discipline, and a world in which our actions have consequences—these are not purely negative things. Society and its values can have a steadying effect upon us, even when we feel frustrated by them. The Out of Bounds Moon, like everything else in astrology, has an unpleasant, dangerous side as well as a divine purpose. Its dark side is sociopathic, even criminal—or merely selfish and insensitive to others. It can be cold, even inhuman.

You may detect some of the underlying spirit of the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius in these words. That is quite accurate. In my experience, an Out of Bounds Moon has distinctly Aquarian quality. We see the familiar Uranian “holy trinity” at work—the Genius, the Revolutionary and the Criminal. All three of them stand outside the normal structure of society, applying leverage to it—and meeting resistance, condemnation, and consequences for it.

As with Aquarian or Uranian influences, the Out of Bounds Moon often thrusts alienating circumstances upon a person from outside. This is of course the classic working of synchronicity—what we meet (or fail to face) in our inner world is encountered in the “random” realities of our outer lives.

Inwardly, the Out of Bounds Moon often correlates with feelings of being an outsider, of not fitting in, of not having a place in this world. This can be painful—and it can also lead to an attitude of not giving a damn. Or to passivity. Or to resentment. And to radical forms of existential creativity."

(Mine is at 24º23' South)

"In turning our focus to the OOB Moon, I observe that qualities that this group of famous people have in common are very accurate intuition/ hunches, deep-seated need for freedom, capacity to inspire, high emotional intelligence, increased self-understanding, ability to freely dance to the beat of one's own drummer, value system different from society, people who are ahead of their time, great depth of emotion, penetrating insight into the human condition and a high level of empathy and humanitarianism. "

From forum I got this:

"OOB moon: Unusual public attention, powers of intuition"

She wrote:

"In my opinion planets that are out of bounds describe the ability to function outside of the box. These positions often describe those with an intense need for personal freedom; lateral thinkers; original artists; people who are not bound by normal conventions and the rules of society; and sometimes people who are just lawless.

Therefore many original and unusual people have out of bounds planets. For example Mozart had an out of bounds Mars at 27N11 and also at 0 Cancer. This may have described his genius, particularly as Mars was also involved in a quintile pattern (creativity).

Many modern day astrologers have ‘out of bounds’ planets as astrology is presently not part of mainstream thought. This is particularly the case for astrologers who can be termed ‘original thinkers’ and offer new ideas or new information in our area."

From this site:

"The out of bounds Moon has become a popular declination cycle for astrologers to study. It's said to have relevance to people's emotional life, instincts, and habitual responses."