segunda-feira, janeiro 05, 2004

Psicopatia: uma epidemia.
(Em inglês.)

Esta malta é muito destrutiva porque encerra em si o Mal perfeito onde nenhum verdadeiro bom sentimento humano reluz. Leiam para não apanharem desprevenidos uma besta destas pela frente. Elas existem, acreditem.

«We can feel fear, sympathy, empathy, sadness, and so on because we can IMAGINE in an abstract way, the future based on our own experiences in the past, or even just "concepts of experiences" in myriad variations. We can "predict" how others will react because we are able to "see ourselves" in them even though they are "out there" and the situation is somewhat different externally, though similar in dynamic. In other words, we can not only identify with others spatially - so to say - but also temporally - in time.

The psychopath does not seem to have this capacity. They are unable to "imagine" in the sense of being able to really connect to images in a direct "self connecting to another self" sort of way.

(...) they "feel" need/want as love, and not having their needs/wants met is described as "not being loved" by them.

(...) this "need/want" perspective posits that only the "hunger" of the psychopath is valid, and anything and everything "out there," outside of the psychopath, is not real except insofar as it has the capability of being assimilated to the psychopath as a sort of "food." Can it be used or can it provide something is the only issue about which the psychopath seems to be concerned. All else - all activity - is subsumed to this drive.

In short, the psychopath - and the narcissist - is a predator. »

(Mais sobre o mesmo assunto, em inglês, aqui: The Penny Drops!)

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