quarta-feira, outubro 29, 2008
sexta-feira, outubro 24, 2008
Síntese para os próximos 6 meses
Por acaso pensei em "trabalho" quando comecei esta leitura...
Por acaso pensei em "trabalho" quando comecei esta leitura...
O seu jogo completo foi sintetizado por uma carta representativa do elemento Terra, Agata, uma carta do naipe de ouros, que evoca o cenário profissional e as questões materiais, financeiras. Segundo o Tarot, o tempo é de consolidação, de trazer para a realidade as idéias, os projetos, os planejamentos. Com uma carta de ouros no centro da Roda, Agata, tenha certeza que o tema central da sua existência nestes próximos seis meses será alguma circunstância envolvendo dinheiro, trabalho ou mesmo outras questões de ordem material (corpo físico, saúde). Nestes próximos meses, você não terá a menor autorização interna para ficar “viajando demais na maionese”. Sua alma se direcionará para a realidade prática da existência, para os aspectos pragmáticos da natureza. As coisas poderão ser lentas, mas você terá uma sensação nítida de objetividade em sua existência.
Cenário: Um homem poderoso oferece ajuda.
O 6 de Ouros traduz em si uma excepcional imagem, Agata: a do sucesso. Esta carta revela uniões harmoniosas e contatos altamente férteis. Pressagia lucro, opulência, jogos positivos de interesses e promete um excelente planejamento e coordenação das metas. Fertilidade é uma marca registrada desta carta em específico.
Síntese do Semestre: Nestes próximos seis meses, você estará fazendo muito sucesso, Agata. Refiro-me à possibilidade do sucesso material, mesmo. Todas as coisas, questões, relacionamentos e metas que você vinha percebendo como confusas ou pouco férteis passarão por um momento mágico de reorganização. Atente para as ofertas generosas de ajuda, de trabalho, de apoio. Você atrairá a atenção de pessoas importantes e influentes.
Carta do Dia
Sempre me identifiquei muito com esta carta, esta sempre foi a Minha Carta (que me representava a mim) antes mesmo de saber qualquer significado dela ou do tarot em geral.
Acho que é altura de fazer nova leitura do tarot. Desta vez vai ser uma pergunta: perguntem o que quiser, na resposta (que não é definitiva uma vez que o livre-arbítrio está sempre em acção, espero estar a fazer-me entender) vou usar a cruz céltica. Desta vez vai ser um pouco diferente. Primeiro, como sempre não pode concorrer (concorrer?, lol) ninguém que já tenha participado antes, Mas:
- devem enviar as perguntas (das quais só escolherei uma, à minha discrição) para o meu email: dunyazade@gmail.com;
- como sempre devem concordar em dar o feedback para que o possa colocar aqui, no blog. Se esperam secretismo então o melhor é nem pedir, ok?
Desta vez não vai ser a primeira pessoa a pedir a leitura, mas a pessoa/questão que de algum modo chamar mais a minha atenção (mas não se ponham a inventar, ok? Perguntem algo que é relevante e importante para vocês.)
Hum, acho que está tudo.
O Mago
Abrindo-se ao novo
O arcano maior chamado “O Mago” brotou do Tarot como um conselho para este particular momento, Agata. Ele vem sugerir a necessidade de uma quebra de rotina, experimentação de novas idéias, fazer diferente, tentar um outro curso de ação. Este é um momento propício para encontros inesperados e conversas libertadoras. A qualidade do momento demanda espanar a poeira e abrir-se ao novo. Muito estímulo intelectual lhe aguarda nesta etapa de sua vida, o que pode surgir na forma de livros que lhe são indicados, pessoas que surgem do nada pra bater um papo com você e lhe permitir um maior entendimento das coisas. É como se, agora, as coisas que você fosse ouvir (provavelmente da boca de gente que você nem esperava!) lhe permitissem uma libertação de uma forma antiga e superada de abordar as situações. Aproveite este dinâmico período!
Conselho: Momento de renovar, de fazer diferente.
Acho que é altura de fazer nova leitura do tarot. Desta vez vai ser uma pergunta: perguntem o que quiser, na resposta (que não é definitiva uma vez que o livre-arbítrio está sempre em acção, espero estar a fazer-me entender) vou usar a cruz céltica. Desta vez vai ser um pouco diferente. Primeiro, como sempre não pode concorrer (concorrer?, lol) ninguém que já tenha participado antes, Mas:
- devem enviar as perguntas (das quais só escolherei uma, à minha discrição) para o meu email: dunyazade@gmail.com;
- como sempre devem concordar em dar o feedback para que o possa colocar aqui, no blog. Se esperam secretismo então o melhor é nem pedir, ok?
Desta vez não vai ser a primeira pessoa a pedir a leitura, mas a pessoa/questão que de algum modo chamar mais a minha atenção (mas não se ponham a inventar, ok? Perguntem algo que é relevante e importante para vocês.)
Hum, acho que está tudo.
Life, in general
Bem, not that much to say. Devia:
- deixar definitivamente de ver tv (talvez só a partir de 5 de Novembro porque quero ver quem é que vai ganhar lá nos States. Previsão: vai ser uma Trapalhada...);
- levantar-me 5 dias por semana às 6 da manhã e ESCREVER. Fosse o que fosse. Já tenho vergonha de dizer que escrevo porque, efectivamente, não escrevo de todo. Writers write. É essa a definição;
- detesto o meu trabalho;
- detesto o meu trabalho. Bis;
- acho que estou a engordar;
- estou a comer carne outra vez. Penso que o meu corpo precisa, mas depois desta semana vou diminir o consumo para uma vez por mês. Chega;
- aquilo que eu como torna-me (bom, não de momento) uma vegan autêntica: isto é, se retirasse o peixe;
- tenho um livro para reescrever, não me apetece;
- ando a ler Enrique Vilas-Mata;
- ando a ler muito pouco, daí a necessidade de me livrar da tv!
- está frio, pá;
- odeio tarefas domésticas;
- e aquilo da Casa Pia, já vai nos quatros anos, é? Eish, que Surpresa surpreendente.
- Talvez vá ao teatro.
Joquitas mês lindes...!
- deixar definitivamente de ver tv (talvez só a partir de 5 de Novembro porque quero ver quem é que vai ganhar lá nos States. Previsão: vai ser uma Trapalhada...);
- levantar-me 5 dias por semana às 6 da manhã e ESCREVER. Fosse o que fosse. Já tenho vergonha de dizer que escrevo porque, efectivamente, não escrevo de todo. Writers write. É essa a definição;
- detesto o meu trabalho;
- detesto o meu trabalho. Bis;
- acho que estou a engordar;
- estou a comer carne outra vez. Penso que o meu corpo precisa, mas depois desta semana vou diminir o consumo para uma vez por mês. Chega;
- aquilo que eu como torna-me (bom, não de momento) uma vegan autêntica: isto é, se retirasse o peixe;
- tenho um livro para reescrever, não me apetece;
- ando a ler Enrique Vilas-Mata;
- ando a ler muito pouco, daí a necessidade de me livrar da tv!
- está frio, pá;
- odeio tarefas domésticas;
- e aquilo da Casa Pia, já vai nos quatros anos, é? Eish, que Surpresa surpreendente.
- Talvez vá ao teatro.
Joquitas mês lindes...!
quinta-feira, outubro 23, 2008
Cada vez que acontece alguma coisa ao Miguel Sousa Tavares, vem-me parar esta malta toda ao meu blog. Acho que o homem me devia pagar direitos de autor ou sei lá :p
Agora abifaram-lhe o portátil. Ó desgraçado (não estou a ser sarcástica). Espero que arranje coragem para reescrever tudo. Eu não sei se seria capaz de o fazer. Enfim, espero que ele supere a perda, mas o melhor mesmo era conseguir recuperar todo o trabalho.
Agora abifaram-lhe o portátil. Ó desgraçado (não estou a ser sarcástica). Espero que arranje coragem para reescrever tudo. Eu não sei se seria capaz de o fazer. Enfim, espero que ele supere a perda, mas o melhor mesmo era conseguir recuperar todo o trabalho.
quarta-feira, outubro 22, 2008
terça-feira, outubro 21, 2008
domingo, outubro 19, 2008
"O que é que se passa? Alguém tocou à campainha? Queres que eu vá ver? O que é que tens aí? É fiambre? Não escondas!"
sexta-feira, outubro 17, 2008
Trânsito de Saturno pelas Casas
Em inglês, aqui:
E, também interessante:
E, também interessante:
Two major countries will face off this year with miliary build ups. Could be Russia or India involved, takes place in that part of the world.
Economy to continue a slow decline. The worst will not be 2008, but now is the time to prepare. i Stock market in for a bumpy ride in 2008. i Was shown planned communities that we designed like a Wheel with spokes. The center was community buildings, shopping and housing that came off the spokes of the wheel and the circle of the wheel. i Either new uses for old textile factories or else the textiles make a comeback in the US. i People are going to be looking for quality in products again.
Inhumane treatment of animals to continue to be big news. i Sightings of unusal lights in the sky in many places at once.
quarta-feira, outubro 15, 2008
(Fonte: http://www.students-of-tarot.com/x-numerology/index.htm)
Your Life Path Number is 1
Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.
The 1's life path is marked by developing their individuality, decisiveness, and force of will. They are meant to be leaders. Their endurance will ensure whatever task they tackle will get done on time and right.
Your Life Destiny Number is 5
Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.
A 5 Destiny number indicates you will move through life on a stream of change. It is your destiny to explore the limits of your personal freedom and promote free will for all. You will encounter change throughout your life, and where many would see this as instability you will embrace it as the coming of new opportunities.
Your Soul Number is 3
Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.
You desire to make people happy, laugh, and be all they can be. You want to create, have fun, and remain ever enthusiastic. You are a lover of life, and will do all you can to ensure those around you are aware of just how grand a gift life is.
Your Personality Number is 2
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
Because you are modest, reserved and shy, you sometimes appear timid. You do not like to be in the forefront, which is good, since your talents are that of the diplomat and not the leader. You can be quite charming to those with whom you are comfortable. You are very sensitive to others, and able to resolve conflicts through compromise. Loathing conflict, you are not likely to instigate arguments.
Your Maturity Number is 6
Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.
Throughout your life you will be concerned with the welfare of others. You will make your home the focus of your life, and fill your world with as much beauty as possible. In your later years you will find yourself surrounded by friends and family. This will ensure your joy and contentment.
Your Balance Number is 2
As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.
A 2 Balance Number signifies you should bring your “Diplomat” to the forefront when facing troubled times. You will do best by suppressing excess emotion, or acting impulsively. Try to reason your way through your problems. Gain allies and defuse enemies with tact and humor. Seek a compromise in which all parties fair evenly.
The 4 Pinnacles
Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you realize current goals and learn some of life's lessons. If you are at the beginning of a Pinnacle, then they can be used as a predictive tool to assist in managing your future. Your first Pinnacle begins at birth and last until around the age of 27. Your Second Pinnacle last through the next 9 year and the Third Pinnacle last for 9 years after the Second Pinnacle has passed. Your Fourth Pinnacle picks up where the Third Pinnacle ends and last throughout the rest of your life
Your First Pinnacle Number is 8
An 8 Pinnacle is a time in which you will learn to apply power and authority in an effective way. In this period you should master the basic skills to become a good leader: organization, management and hopefully the application of justice for all.
Your Second Pinnacle Number is 2
You will learn how to have balanced relationships with others without sacrificing your inner self. Your talents for relating to others as well as helping others relate to each other will grow.
Your Third Pinnacle Number is 1
A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant and allow your individuality to blossom. This is a time when you may want to seek teachers to assist you on your journey toward independence. If you should have a 1 as your third or fourth Pinnacle, it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.
Your Fourth Pinnacle Number is 1
A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant and allow your individuality to blossom. This is a time when you may want to seek teachers to assist you on your journey toward independence. If you should have a 1 as your third or fourth Pinnacle, it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.
The 4 Challenges
Challenges denote personal weaknesses and temptations you will have to overcome and strengths you will have to develop to fully realize your goals. The 4 Challenges have the same time frame as the 4 Pinnacles.
Your First Challenge Number is 1
A 1 Challenge signifies the struggle to become independent, courageous and have faith in your convictions. If the number 1 appears as your first Challenge you are learning to define your self. Should a 1 appear in your other Challenges you are learning to remain true to your self and become more confident.
Your Second Challenge Number is 2
Your Challenge is to learn how to manage your natural sensitivity to others, aversion to conflict and need for harmony in a way that will not repress your own needs. In time you will learn to balance your needs with those of others.
Your Third Challenge Number is 1
A 1 Challenge signifies the struggle to become independent, courageous and have faith in your convictions. If the number 1 appears as your first Challenge you are learning to define your self. Should a 1 appear in your other Challenges you are learning to remain true to your self and become more confident.
Your Fourth Challenge Number is 3
The Challenge the number 3 puts before you is to learn to speak truly from your heart. You will have to overcome the negative traits of the number 3, which include superficiality, hyperbole, egocentrism, gossiping and disorganization.
The 3 Cycles
Cycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny.
Your First Cycle Number is 8
An 8 cycle marks a time that is opportune for you to succeed in attaining your goals. During this Cycle you will of course face setbacks and obstacles, but if you keep trying to move forward, your goals will be achieved.
Your Second Cycle Number is 9
Those in a 9 Cycle will see their compassion and tolerance for others blossom. You will find satisfaction in putting the greater good for all ahead of your own needs. This is a cycle in which you will explore the depths of your love for your fellow man.
Your Third Cycle Number is 2
If you are in a 2 Cycle you are going to develop at a slow, even pace. Your talents for peacemaking and gentle persuasion will come into play often. Understanding relationships will be your main goal in this period. Should this be your Third Cycle, patience and diplomacy will be the characteristics of this Cycle.
Your Karmic Lesson Number(s) are/is 3 6 8
Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.
A 3 Karmic Lesson Number often reflects a person who is far too hard on themselves. Make an effort to not judge your performance too harshly.
The number 3 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.
A 6 Karmic Lesson Number denotes an inability or reluctance to make commitments. Even when you do commit yourself to something it may be your nature to hold back any true passion for the commitment or relationship. Over time you might do well to slowly allow your passions to express themselves and put your heart into your commitments and relationships.
The number 6 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.
A 8 Karmic Lesson Number points to a talent for making money that is not properly governed. You may experience tremendous swings in your financial status. This is because while you know how to make money, you also tend to be way too speculative and impulsive when dealing with matters of finance. Try and develop a more cautious approach to money matters and it is possible these swings in fortune will diminish.
Your Karmic Debt Number(s) are/is 14 19
Karmic Debt Numbers signify past abuses of your talents that you must make amends for. Like all of us, you have made many choices and taken many actions in your lives. Some of those choices and actions have been mistakes. Your past errors must be addressed, so you can use your Karmic Debt Numbers to identify exactly what type of mistakes you have made in the past and how you can atone for them. top
A 14 Karmic Debt Number indicates that you have abused your right to freedom. Possibly you increased you freedom to act at the costs of others, or you exercised your free will in ways that abused your own spirit (e.g., drug use). The solution for you is to find a true path to freedom that does not harm you or others around you.
topA 19 Karmic Debt Number denotes an abuse of power. This number indicates you had considerable power sometime in your past and either abused others to get it or keep it or both. The get past this debt you must learn to use your powers in ways that do not harm others. You also need to learn to act independently—to take life’s licks on your own chin and those of others.
Your Lucky Number is 3
Your Personal Lucky Number does not change. This number will be lucky for you your entire life. Your luck derived from this number will be strongest when you are addressing events and issues related to the general meaning of the number. Lucky Numbers should not be relied on to constantly produce positive results, or make impulsive, high risk gambles. They simply mean that where they appear you have an edge. How large an edge is impossible to determine, but seems to increase with the number of occurrences your Lucky Number is be associated with a given event or issue.
Those with a Personal Lucky Number 3 are indeed very lucky. The 3 is considered by many to be the luckiest number of all. Your 3 will benefit you most in situations requiring creativity and original solutions. The 3 is also a great money and love number. Just remember that as powerful as your 3 is, it is still not wise to take impulsive risks. That is, don’t bet your savings on a horse just because it is wearing the number 3 and in the 3 post position. The horse still needs to be able to run!
Your Signature Number is a 0
Signature numbers are based on how you sign your name. Your signature carries the power and the faults of one of the base 9 numbers. You may actually want to sign different documents with different signatures to reap the benefit of a particular number. For instance, if you are signing an agreement of partnership you might want to alter your signature to reflect the powers of the number 2.
Your Birthday Number is 9
This number is most influential between your 28th and 56th year. While it is not the most important number in your profile, it does have an effect on your Life's Path and Destiny.
You are idealistic and compassionate, generous and sensitive. At heart you are a humanitarian of the highest order.
Your Personal Year Number is 9
This number tells you what is happening in your life this year. This number should be used to help you avoid setbacks and focus your energies on those areas of your life where you are most likely to achieve your goals.
As a 1 year marks new beginnings, a 9 year is a time to close the book on all that has happened the in the last 8 years. The moment for you to reap the rewards for completing a 9 year cycle has come. You have also reached a point where you should try to put any bad things that have happened to you in the past cycle to rest and prepare for the beginning of a new 9 year cycle.
Your Personal Month Number is 3
This number tells you what is happening in your life this month. Use this number in the same way you would your Personal year number, but apply it only to the current month.
This is a good month for you to approach projects with the full force of your creativity, and, on a personal level, indulge yourself. Put bluntly, have fun!
Your Foundation Letter is A
Having an A Foundation Letter identifies a goal oriented person who intends to succeed at any task they take on.
Your End Letter is A
Having an A End Letter denotes someone who is not a quitter. They will finish whatever task they have taken on with or without the help of others.
Your First Vowel is A
Having an A First Vowel suggest you may be far more determined to succeed than you let on.
Your Life Path Number is 1
Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.
The 1's life path is marked by developing their individuality, decisiveness, and force of will. They are meant to be leaders. Their endurance will ensure whatever task they tackle will get done on time and right.
Your Life Destiny Number is 5
Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.
A 5 Destiny number indicates you will move through life on a stream of change. It is your destiny to explore the limits of your personal freedom and promote free will for all. You will encounter change throughout your life, and where many would see this as instability you will embrace it as the coming of new opportunities.
Your Soul Number is 3
Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.
You desire to make people happy, laugh, and be all they can be. You want to create, have fun, and remain ever enthusiastic. You are a lover of life, and will do all you can to ensure those around you are aware of just how grand a gift life is.
Your Personality Number is 2
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
Because you are modest, reserved and shy, you sometimes appear timid. You do not like to be in the forefront, which is good, since your talents are that of the diplomat and not the leader. You can be quite charming to those with whom you are comfortable. You are very sensitive to others, and able to resolve conflicts through compromise. Loathing conflict, you are not likely to instigate arguments.
Your Maturity Number is 6
Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.
Throughout your life you will be concerned with the welfare of others. You will make your home the focus of your life, and fill your world with as much beauty as possible. In your later years you will find yourself surrounded by friends and family. This will ensure your joy and contentment.
Your Balance Number is 2
As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.
A 2 Balance Number signifies you should bring your “Diplomat” to the forefront when facing troubled times. You will do best by suppressing excess emotion, or acting impulsively. Try to reason your way through your problems. Gain allies and defuse enemies with tact and humor. Seek a compromise in which all parties fair evenly.
The 4 Pinnacles
Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you realize current goals and learn some of life's lessons. If you are at the beginning of a Pinnacle, then they can be used as a predictive tool to assist in managing your future. Your first Pinnacle begins at birth and last until around the age of 27. Your Second Pinnacle last through the next 9 year and the Third Pinnacle last for 9 years after the Second Pinnacle has passed. Your Fourth Pinnacle picks up where the Third Pinnacle ends and last throughout the rest of your life
Your First Pinnacle Number is 8
An 8 Pinnacle is a time in which you will learn to apply power and authority in an effective way. In this period you should master the basic skills to become a good leader: organization, management and hopefully the application of justice for all.
Your Second Pinnacle Number is 2
You will learn how to have balanced relationships with others without sacrificing your inner self. Your talents for relating to others as well as helping others relate to each other will grow.
Your Third Pinnacle Number is 1
A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant and allow your individuality to blossom. This is a time when you may want to seek teachers to assist you on your journey toward independence. If you should have a 1 as your third or fourth Pinnacle, it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.
Your Fourth Pinnacle Number is 1
A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant and allow your individuality to blossom. This is a time when you may want to seek teachers to assist you on your journey toward independence. If you should have a 1 as your third or fourth Pinnacle, it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.
The 4 Challenges
Challenges denote personal weaknesses and temptations you will have to overcome and strengths you will have to develop to fully realize your goals. The 4 Challenges have the same time frame as the 4 Pinnacles.
Your First Challenge Number is 1
A 1 Challenge signifies the struggle to become independent, courageous and have faith in your convictions. If the number 1 appears as your first Challenge you are learning to define your self. Should a 1 appear in your other Challenges you are learning to remain true to your self and become more confident.
Your Second Challenge Number is 2
Your Challenge is to learn how to manage your natural sensitivity to others, aversion to conflict and need for harmony in a way that will not repress your own needs. In time you will learn to balance your needs with those of others.
Your Third Challenge Number is 1
A 1 Challenge signifies the struggle to become independent, courageous and have faith in your convictions. If the number 1 appears as your first Challenge you are learning to define your self. Should a 1 appear in your other Challenges you are learning to remain true to your self and become more confident.
Your Fourth Challenge Number is 3
The Challenge the number 3 puts before you is to learn to speak truly from your heart. You will have to overcome the negative traits of the number 3, which include superficiality, hyperbole, egocentrism, gossiping and disorganization.
The 3 Cycles
Cycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny.
Your First Cycle Number is 8
An 8 cycle marks a time that is opportune for you to succeed in attaining your goals. During this Cycle you will of course face setbacks and obstacles, but if you keep trying to move forward, your goals will be achieved.
Your Second Cycle Number is 9
Those in a 9 Cycle will see their compassion and tolerance for others blossom. You will find satisfaction in putting the greater good for all ahead of your own needs. This is a cycle in which you will explore the depths of your love for your fellow man.
Your Third Cycle Number is 2
If you are in a 2 Cycle you are going to develop at a slow, even pace. Your talents for peacemaking and gentle persuasion will come into play often. Understanding relationships will be your main goal in this period. Should this be your Third Cycle, patience and diplomacy will be the characteristics of this Cycle.
Your Karmic Lesson Number(s) are/is 3 6 8
Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.
A 3 Karmic Lesson Number often reflects a person who is far too hard on themselves. Make an effort to not judge your performance too harshly.
The number 3 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.
A 6 Karmic Lesson Number denotes an inability or reluctance to make commitments. Even when you do commit yourself to something it may be your nature to hold back any true passion for the commitment or relationship. Over time you might do well to slowly allow your passions to express themselves and put your heart into your commitments and relationships.
The number 6 appears in your core numbers, so the the importance of this number is lessened.
A 8 Karmic Lesson Number points to a talent for making money that is not properly governed. You may experience tremendous swings in your financial status. This is because while you know how to make money, you also tend to be way too speculative and impulsive when dealing with matters of finance. Try and develop a more cautious approach to money matters and it is possible these swings in fortune will diminish.
Your Karmic Debt Number(s) are/is 14 19
Karmic Debt Numbers signify past abuses of your talents that you must make amends for. Like all of us, you have made many choices and taken many actions in your lives. Some of those choices and actions have been mistakes. Your past errors must be addressed, so you can use your Karmic Debt Numbers to identify exactly what type of mistakes you have made in the past and how you can atone for them. top
A 14 Karmic Debt Number indicates that you have abused your right to freedom. Possibly you increased you freedom to act at the costs of others, or you exercised your free will in ways that abused your own spirit (e.g., drug use). The solution for you is to find a true path to freedom that does not harm you or others around you.
topA 19 Karmic Debt Number denotes an abuse of power. This number indicates you had considerable power sometime in your past and either abused others to get it or keep it or both. The get past this debt you must learn to use your powers in ways that do not harm others. You also need to learn to act independently—to take life’s licks on your own chin and those of others.
Your Lucky Number is 3
Your Personal Lucky Number does not change. This number will be lucky for you your entire life. Your luck derived from this number will be strongest when you are addressing events and issues related to the general meaning of the number. Lucky Numbers should not be relied on to constantly produce positive results, or make impulsive, high risk gambles. They simply mean that where they appear you have an edge. How large an edge is impossible to determine, but seems to increase with the number of occurrences your Lucky Number is be associated with a given event or issue.
Those with a Personal Lucky Number 3 are indeed very lucky. The 3 is considered by many to be the luckiest number of all. Your 3 will benefit you most in situations requiring creativity and original solutions. The 3 is also a great money and love number. Just remember that as powerful as your 3 is, it is still not wise to take impulsive risks. That is, don’t bet your savings on a horse just because it is wearing the number 3 and in the 3 post position. The horse still needs to be able to run!
Your Signature Number is a 0
Signature numbers are based on how you sign your name. Your signature carries the power and the faults of one of the base 9 numbers. You may actually want to sign different documents with different signatures to reap the benefit of a particular number. For instance, if you are signing an agreement of partnership you might want to alter your signature to reflect the powers of the number 2.
Your Birthday Number is 9
This number is most influential between your 28th and 56th year. While it is not the most important number in your profile, it does have an effect on your Life's Path and Destiny.
You are idealistic and compassionate, generous and sensitive. At heart you are a humanitarian of the highest order.
Your Personal Year Number is 9
This number tells you what is happening in your life this year. This number should be used to help you avoid setbacks and focus your energies on those areas of your life where you are most likely to achieve your goals.
As a 1 year marks new beginnings, a 9 year is a time to close the book on all that has happened the in the last 8 years. The moment for you to reap the rewards for completing a 9 year cycle has come. You have also reached a point where you should try to put any bad things that have happened to you in the past cycle to rest and prepare for the beginning of a new 9 year cycle.
Your Personal Month Number is 3
This number tells you what is happening in your life this month. Use this number in the same way you would your Personal year number, but apply it only to the current month.
This is a good month for you to approach projects with the full force of your creativity, and, on a personal level, indulge yourself. Put bluntly, have fun!
Your Foundation Letter is A
Having an A Foundation Letter identifies a goal oriented person who intends to succeed at any task they take on.
Your End Letter is A
Having an A End Letter denotes someone who is not a quitter. They will finish whatever task they have taken on with or without the help of others.
Your First Vowel is A
Having an A First Vowel suggest you may be far more determined to succeed than you let on.
segunda-feira, outubro 13, 2008
Gostei deste comentário:
(o: Informado
Continuam sem perceber!)
(o: Informado
Continuam sem perceber!)
domingo, outubro 12, 2008
O dia em que é comemorado o santo do meu nome, Ágata, é a 5 de Fevereiro.
E o vosso? Descubram aqui:
(Coloquem o nome, mas em francês...)
Ou podem ver aqui que é mais simples (e em português do Brasil):
E o vosso? Descubram aqui:
(Coloquem o nome, mas em francês...)
Ou podem ver aqui que é mais simples (e em português do Brasil):
Sites de finanças pessoais
Nestes tempos conturbados são capazes de ser úteis.
sábado, outubro 11, 2008
Astrologia e Economia
As minhas actuais obsessões :p
Gostei deste artigo. Um excerto:
Gostei deste artigo. Um excerto:
Ora também o Banco Central Europeu admite recorrer a medidas desesperadas como a que faz hoje manchete deste jornal: fazer com que, por decreto ou por acordo, os créditos passem a ser indexados não à Euribor de 5,4%, mas à taxa directora de 3,75%. Mesmo sendo uma medida temporária, seria a suspensão do mercado, o que por estes dias já não surpreende ninguém: afinal, se o mercado não funciona na fixação da taxa Euribor, por que se há-de fazer de conta que funciona e continuar a cobrar esses juros às famílias e às empresas endividadas?
É por isso que é o próprio BCE que diz que o facto das famílias não estarem a pagar menos nos seus empréstimos é injusto: os bancos hoje estão a financiar-se essencialmente no BCE mas continuam a cobrar prestações mensais a taxas de mercado.
É impressionante como o mundo mudou em meia-dúzia de semanas. Talvez seja isso que os livros de História registem: que foi preciso uma loucura para acabar com outra loucura.
Crise financeira
... e não só.
1. Descobri que gosto imenso de música clássica - sem vozes - em que o violoncelo tem um papel predominante (adoro a sonoridade).
2. A crise financeira está aí para durar. Podem ler sobre ela do ponto de vista astrológico aqui:
1. Descobri que gosto imenso de música clássica - sem vozes - em que o violoncelo tem um papel predominante (adoro a sonoridade).
2. A crise financeira está aí para durar. Podem ler sobre ela do ponto de vista astrológico aqui:
I don’t think anyone doubts that a crisis - a financial panic, if you will - has hit the world. This is exactly the type of psychological climate that corresponds to Saturn in opposition to Uranus.
Sr. Bentley
Uma apreciação ao meu livro feita no blog da ccc pelo Marcos Farrajota. Podem lê-la aqui.
«(...) Com um abraço» escreve friamente Ágata Ramos Simões no exemplar de Sr. Bentley, o enraba-passarinhos (Saída de Emergência; 2007).
Fria sim, apesar de Ágata escrever com o calor de uma punk toda fodida com o sistema, com aquela raiva lixada que quer destruir tudo e todos. O retrato do Sr. Bentley é próximo de uma dezenas de estafermos, velhos, ordinarões que nos obrigam a pensar que ainda estamos na Idade Medieval - se calhar, de onde este país nunca saiu.
quinta-feira, outubro 09, 2008
A Eleição
Outro artigo interessante:
O Obama vai ser "roubado"...?
Temos de esperar para ver.
So, in summary, the election is going to be a mess. Record turn outs. Major
problems. No paper trails. The fix will be in. The paperless voting machines
will tally the votes the way they are supposed to be tallied. The five media
companies will tell the 303,455,271 of us who won the election. It won’t matter
who voted for whom. Do you think it can’t happen here? Why that is so very
Saturn in Virgo of you ~ so 1776 and quite quaint! Welcome Pluto in Capricorn!
Nice to meet you!
O Obama vai ser "roubado"...?
Temos de esperar para ver.
Crise económica
A malta ainda não percebeu que esta crise está aí para durar...
Uma boa análise, do ponto de vista atrológico, aqui:
Uma boa análise, do ponto de vista atrológico, aqui:
quarta-feira, outubro 08, 2008
Blog sobre tarot
Com "writing prompts" :p
Parece-me bom.
E, para futura referência:
Com "writing prompts" :p
Parece-me bom.
E, para futura referência:
Júpiter oposição Sol
Jupiter opposition Sun: A turning point
Mid March 2009 until beginning of November 2009: This can be and usually is a very positive time. But you can make more or less out of it, depending upon how you handle it. In most ways it represents a period of culmination in your life, and you will be tempted to expand beyond any reasonable limit. There is no question that you have a good chance for success in any one of a number of endeavors at this time and, within reason, you should pursue them. However, you should not restrict yourself solely to material and physical growth now. Even if you don't have all the material goods that you want, you should turn your attention to spiritual and inner needs. Ultimately, nothing satisfies like satisfaction. Objects that you acquire, possessions, money, and even social prestige are merely devices to make you feel that you have satisfaction. They are not the state of satisfaction itself. It is your inner difficulties that make your life less than it could be, even if you have corresponding problems in the material world. You must look for the solutions within yourself, and this time represents a turning point, where you should begin to look for the answers.
Under this influence, the tendency is to go after everything that you want in the material world without caring especially about whoever is in your way, to gather as much stuff as you can and indulge yourself in what you want. Then, as the influence subsides, you may feel that this effort has failed, leaving your life as empty as it was before.
Do not be arrogant toward others or assume that you have everything right. Through meaningful encounters with others, especially intimate one-to-one encounters, you can find out which way you should go at this time. Work with another person and think in terms of mutual growth. By trying to achieve goals set by both of you and by trying to be a twosome, you each will become more conscious of what you are as an individual. If you can recognize the real meaning of this influence in terms of your own life, this can be an extremely productive and growth-oriented time, a period that will always have meaning for you.
terça-feira, outubro 07, 2008
domingo, outubro 05, 2008
sábado, outubro 04, 2008
Carta do Dia
O Mago
Abrindo-se ao novo
O arcano maior chamado “O Mago” brotou do Tarot como um conselho para este particular momento, Agata. Ele vem sugerir a necessidade de uma quebra de rotina, experimentação de novas idéias, fazer diferente, tentar um outro curso de ação. Este é um momento propício para encontros inesperados e conversas libertadoras. A qualidade do momento demanda espanar a poeira e abrir-se ao novo. Muito estímulo intelectual lhe aguarda nesta etapa de sua vida, o que pode surgir na forma de livros que lhe são indicados, pessoas que surgem do nada pra bater um papo com você e lhe permitir um maior entendimento das coisas. É como se, agora, as coisas que você fosse ouvir (provavelmente da boca de gente que você nem esperava!) lhe permitissem uma libertação de uma forma antiga e superada de abordar as situações. Aproveite este dinâmico período!
Conselho: Momento de renovar, de fazer diferente.
Astrologia Cármica
Saturno en Casa 8
Para usted las cuestiones que más van a cambiar su carácter son: toma y finalización de responsabilidades, paciencia y espera, cumplimiento con las tareas cotidianas y estabilización material. Usted tiene grandes capacidades potenciales para ser exitoso en tales aspectos, pero lo que sucede es que esas potencialidades las posee bastante ocultas. Algunas pruebas materiales, ciertos retrasos burocráticos y la necesidad de trabajar mucho van a cambiar profundamente su carácter en algún momento de su vida. De esa fase saldrá usted como una persona con un mucho mayor peso específico y siendo firme como una columna.
En una vida anterior trató de ocultar o de dejar de lado sus responsabilidades, o bien, se aisló del medio ambiente en una actitud egoísta y centrada sobre todo en sí mismo.
No es conveniente para usted manejar el dinero de forma acaparadora o demasiado controladora, pues le limita en su desarrollo personal. Le preocupa lo que hay más allá de la vida material, pero con una una visión objetiva acerca de los temas espirituales. Lo mejor para usted es sublimar el trabajo y observar lo oculto y esotérico dentro de las experiencias de su vida cotidiana. Aproveche su gran poder de introspección para estudiar aspectos más psicológicos de la naturaleza humana, ya que de por sí es una persona un poco desconfiada de planteamientos demasiado místicos o abstractos.
(link: http://www.mtastrol.com/karmica/saencas4.htm)
Saturno en aspecto inarmónico a la Luna
En épocas anteriores de experiencia fue usted una persona con grandes responsabilidades en su familia, las cuales le requerían mucho trabajo y dedicación. Actualmente, ha de aprender a expresar mejor y de manera más flexible sus sentimientos.
Saturno en aspecto inarmónico a Plutón
En algún ciclo de existencia pasada se vio usted envuelto en luchas de intereses creados y de poder en relación con riquezas o propiedades. En la vida actual habrá de tomar los retrasos económicos como una experiencia valiosa que le va a hacer madurar y despertar.
(link: http://www.mtastrol.com/karmica/karmica.htm)
Balança na casa 12: Usted en un ciclo o etapa anterior pudo haber sido una persona ligada al mundo del arte y de la estética, las relaciones públicas, la justicia, la democracia o la moda.
Fui a Coco Chanel, lol.
Libra en Casa 12, Escorpio en el Ascendente
Usted es capaz de penetrar en las cosas, las personas y en sí mismo, lo cual va paralelo a una capacidad para "cortar por lo sano" y transformar aquello que está enfermo o poco limpio. Su poder y magnetismo está en el saber callar y en la intensidad que pone en todo lo que hace y en todo lo que ama. Usted en una vida pasada gustó de moverse en círculos sociales refinados, donde pudo ver tanta belleza como estupidez. Ahora viene como un transformador...
(link: http://www.mtastrol.com/karmica/kelasyc3.htm)
Saturno en aspecto armónico a Marte
En ciclos pasados de vida fue alguien con enormes cualidades ejecutivas, sabiendo definir un perfecto compás armónico entre riesgo y prudencia. Hoy en día continúa usted en la misma línea, iniciando proyectos y estableciendo todos lo medios precisos para finalizarlos completamente.
(Não é bem assim...)
Júpiter en Casa 3
Es mentalmente presta, optimista y abierta. Su talento natural para el aprendizaje y la expansión de sus conocimientos viene dado por una vida anterior en la cual ejerció como profesora. En ese ciclo pasado usted disfrutaba viendo a la gente joven crecer y expandir sus horizontes, ayudada por sus buenos consejos. En la vida presente es una persona generosa y paternalista en relación con sus hermanos. Realizará viajes cortos con frecuencia.
Júpiter en aspecto armónico a Neptuno
En ciclos anteriores de experiencia era un religioso, un místico, un artista inspirado o alguien que se dedicaba a ayudar a los necesitados. En su vida actual usted va a destacar en alguno de estos campos debido a su capacidad de fé y de generosidad espiritual.
Júpiter en aspecto armónico a Plutón
En vidas previas usted realizó profundas transformaciones en su medio ambiente. Actualmente se destaca por su claridad a la hora de definir lo bueno y lo malo, lo correcto y lo incorrecto...Posee una gran fuerza interior y se siente autorrealizada cada vez más en su papel social.
E tenho aspectos "maus" com uma data de outros planetas, mas não importa, let's just focus on teh "good aspects" :p
(link: http://www.mtastrol.com/karmica/asarjup2.htm)
sexta-feira, outubro 03, 2008
Carta do Dia
O Louco
Momento de voar
A hora é esta, Agata: arriscar-se, atirar-se destemidamente na direção do novo. Ainda que muitas pessoas possam se apavorar e tentar lhe demover daquilo que sua alma interpreta como um novo impulso criativo, não se incomode. As pessoas falam porque estão viciadas em certezas e seguranças. Mas O Louco, arcano zero do Tarot, vem lembrar que, eventualmente, alguma loucura é mais do que bem-vinda! Ponha sua vida em movimento e lembre-se que é sempre momento de recomeçar. Evite o medo e não espere as coisas tomarem uma forma “certa” para agir. Vá!
Conselho: Momento de se atirar em novas direções, sem temor.
Ah, e ontem comprei outro jogo de tarot: Tarot of the Cat People.
Muito giro. Agora fiquei com vontade de comprar mais outro, mas menor, lol. Gosto quando são pequenos porque ocupam menos espaço.
Fui ao IPS hoje, mas não consegui dar sangue porque tinha a hemoglubina (penso) a 12.3 e o mínimo é 12.5 :( Bolas.
Better luck next time. A última vez que dei foi em Março.
Better luck next time. A última vez que dei foi em Março.
quinta-feira, outubro 02, 2008
Carta do Dia: 4 de Ouros
4 de Ouros
Separando o joio do trigo
O 4 de Ouros como arcano de aconselhamento emerge do Tarot neste momento para você, Agata, apontando este como sendo um momento que demanda maior senso do que realmente tem valor em sua vida. Sua atenção será chamada para as coisas que realmente importam, a fim de que você saiba separar o que é mera distração do que tem significado pessoal de importância. Ao mesmo tempo, você precisará trabalhar um pouco mais o seu desapego, a fim de não se deixar limitar por apenas um aspecto ou pessoa da sua existência. Tome cuidado com a inveja alheia, não por medo de “energias” negativas, mas para evitar atitudes de sabotagem por parte dos outros.
Conselho: Aprenda a proteger-se devidamente.
Eu queria comprar hoje outro baralho (ou jogo?) de tarot, mas basicamente esta carta está-me a dizer: não gastes dinheiro, sê mais "agarrada"!, lol.
Logo se vê...
quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2008
Mês de Outubro
Previsões para mim :p
Tirado do site Astrologyzone.
Por exemplo, agora tenho o mercúrio retrógado na casa 11, a dos amigos, mas não posso ir ler a previsão para leão porque o mercúrio retrógado não está nessa casa, mas noutra - portanto tenho de ler a do sagitário. E além disso todos os outros planetas de trânsitos longos são abordados neste signo - e estão nas mesmas casas onde os tenho agora (saturno na 10, urano na 4, etc...)
Tirado do site Astrologyzone.
Por exemplo, agora tenho o mercúrio retrógado na casa 11, a dos amigos, mas não posso ir ler a previsão para leão porque o mercúrio retrógado não está nessa casa, mas noutra - portanto tenho de ler a do sagitário. E além disso todos os outros planetas de trânsitos longos são abordados neste signo - e estão nas mesmas casas onde os tenho agora (saturno na 10, urano na 4, etc...)
Mercury retrogrades for three-and-a-half-weeks three or four times a year. This time around Mercury will retrograde in your friendship sector, so you will likely run into many old pals. If you have any friends you haven't seen in a long time but have been thinking about lately, make a call. Chances are that person's been thinking about you, too! You may run into people on the street or in restaurants quite by happenstance, and that's always wonderful fun.
Financially, things look really bright. With Jupiter finally in direct orbit since September 8 and Saturn not due to retrograde until December 31, you will find yourself in a rare period where you can finally turn a corner and make the kind of money you deserve. This lovely trend will be further emphasized by Pluto, a financial planet too, having turned direct last month on the same day as Jupiter.
[Acho que estás demasiado optimista, pá. lol]
You may not see the truth of this powerfully beneficial financial trend until the new moon, December 27, but if you've worked hard and done everything right, you will - money is absolutely on the way. (Make no plans to vacation between Christmas and New Year's - you have to be around to make this all happen!)
In the meantime, a sensational time for private talks that involve monetary decisions will be October 3-6, due to Venus' fine angle to Jupiter. Don't make any concrete promises or actions yet, however, because things are liable to change.
Wait until your next good day, October 27, when Mars will speak with Jupiter, and by then, Mercury will be in fine form.
With Saturn in your career house for one more year, until October 2009, you are being watched and judged in your new role, so your work will have to be letter perfect. Saturn is in Virgo after all, the most detailed and "nitpicky" sign of the zodiac. Jupiter is supporting Saturn from your house of money, and you seem to have every reason to believe your clients and superiors are happy.
[por acaso júpiter Ainda está na casa 2, mas está quase quase a entrar na casa 3, a das comunicações.]
Speaking of financials, you will have an exceptional day coming up on October 27, when Mars will work with your ruler, Jupiter, to help you see a fat profit. Present an idea or have a confidential interview - you'll easily impress others and be able to negotiate a lucrative deal for yourself at the same time.
[Que júpiter te oiça :p]
A home-related matter may get a good solution on October 9, when Venus and Uranus will be so friendly, bubbling up all sorts of news. Remember, however, that Mercury will be retrograde, so investigate but make no promises to anyone verbally or in written form until October 20 or later.
The month ends on a fantastic day for fun, Halloween, when the moon will be in Sagittarius, and Mars and Uranus will be beautifully angled. What a day for creativity! This day rates four stars for you.
[Que fixe. Tanto optimismo, lol.]
In career and in terms of your financial prospects, things could not be better. Jupiter is now in your house of earned income, and Saturn, the taskmaster planet, is in your house of fame and career success. Together they are working closely to see that you get your promotions, are lauded in your industry, and get paid the money you are due! Look to the December 27 new moon to see just how well things are going for you! In the meantime, October 27 should be outstanding.
With Mars moving through your twelfth house of behind-the-scenes activities, and a new moon appearing in this area October 28, October and November will be ideal times to stop and think about what you hope 2009 will bring. Once you get to the end of November, birthday time of the year, you won't have time to do any kind of meaningful deep thinking. Build your strategy, but don't talk too much about it - you won't want many people knowing, lest a copycat emerge on the scene.
Key dates:
Lie low and perfect plans: all month
Shape behind-the-scenes strategy into a cogent plan: after the new moon October 28.
Take a restful vacation, or seek therapy for any problem: anytime this month.
A creative project culminates in the week of October 13-17.
Romance dazzles at the full moon: October 14 plus or minus four days. If attached, news of a baby or pregnancy may come up.
[Acontece na casa 5, por isso isto pode ser outra coisa, relacionada com os meus livros, por exemplo, hummmm.]
oh yeah
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Parece-me bom.
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