terça-feira, dezembro 19, 2006

Por outro lado...

Se aceitarmos para mapa de Portugal o da data de: 4 de Outubro de 1910 (datas, esta e a anterior, presentes num livro cujo título é, se não me engano "world horoscopes". Não o li. Pedi a alguém que o tem que mas fornecesse).

Se a aceitarmos, dizia, então:

a 23 de Novembro de 2002, quando rebentou o escândalo da Casa Pia, Urano (o planeta das mudanças rápidas e inesperadas) estava a transitar na casa 3 (que representa, na astrologia mundana, além de outras coisas, "the nature of the public demands upon and the degree of public patronage accorded to the nation's transportation and communication facilities; the postal, telegraph and telephone systems, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines and ephemeral publications;" (...), "the reading public, and its tendency to patronize the newspapers and other periodicals; indications relative to rumors, public opinion, the mental and psychological attitude of the masses;") e estava a 3 graus da conjunção exacta de quiron (o centauro que representa dor emocional, psicológica).

Uma notícia inesperada (urano) que feriu (quiron) o país?

Mas Saturno estava em trânsito a 27 graus de gémeos, em cima, em conjunção exacta com o Plutão natal (a 27 graus de gémeos) - na casa 7.

Segundo a mesma fonte, a casa 7 na astrologia mundana significa:

"Mundane Figure: The public as an organized social unit, the social consciousness of the people, the relative status of the nation among the nations of the world, and conditions, circumstances and events affecting its social evolution; those who cooperate with or oppose the people in a national sense, such as anti-social organizations or activities, crime, organized crime and criminals, particularly those who assume the status of a public enemy; anything that contributes to or interferes with public harmony, or tends to build or disintegrate social identities; public support of the nation's foreign policy, friendly or hostile, political or commercial, and the reactions of foreign nations thereto. It is therefore the domain of international disputes, of war and peace; public relations, public gatherings, and meetings between and dealings with strangers. It also indicates the status of women in the nation, particularly the public attitude toward marriage and divorce, and the fluctuations of the marriage and divorce rate as determined by the planet posited there, and its rela- tion to the Fifth House. "

Não sei bem como se interpreta isto...

Enfim. Isto é complicado...

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