sábado, maio 31, 2008
Não se consegue ter acesso à página inicial do site Escreva! Infelizmento o JC só vai poder solucionar o caso durante a semana.
As nossas mais sinceras desculpas.
(E outro exemplo de Mercúrio retrógado.)
As nossas mais sinceras desculpas.
(E outro exemplo de Mercúrio retrógado.)
A 18 de Junho'08 a minha vénus progredida entra no signo de Escorpião... I wish I knew what that means, lol.
A Vénus está quase quase a entrar na minha casa 11 (progredida).
E, ao mesmo tempo, vénus progredida está na minha casa natal doze:
Link: http://books.google.pt/books?id=AMbl4xc4TsoC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=%22progressed+venus+in+scorpio%22&source=web&ots=Y3wNZfvqbS&sig=zQYCcbhDt1QNpxtSEC4nkJZTHuo&hl=pt-PT
Ficará, vénus, em escorpião até 2034 (!!!!), altura em que entrará em sagitário. Depois, em 2039 entra em conjunção com o meu neptuno progredido e um ano antes com o meu neptuno natal... maiores insights psicológicos, psíquicos, intuitivos? Uma grande dedicação a algo criativo? (Escrita ainda, espero.) Muita criatividade e imaginação? Ou: um abandono da realidade...? Daqui a 30 anos já vou ser de uma "certa idade". Por outro lado em 2038 vou sentir uma explosão de liberdade (sol progredido em conjunção com urano natal). Portanto interpreto isto assim: reformo-me e tenho finalmente tempo para me dedicar a actividades criativas a tempo inteiro.
Logo se vê.
Progressed venus in scorpio/eight house: significant financial gains can be yours in the years ahead (FIXE!); plan accordingly. Love can be stormy (eu levo o impermeável), bul also more passionate. Tame jealousy and possessiveness and open your heart.
A Vénus está quase quase a entrar na minha casa 11 (progredida).
Progressed venus in aquarius/eleventh house: metal connections outweigh pure passion in relationships. You also subtly distance yourself from people as independence becomes more important. Be generous yet economical with money.Ok... isto parece que está a dizer duas coisas diferentes ao mesmo tempo... mas penso que a importância maior é a do signo.
E, ao mesmo tempo, vénus progredida está na minha casa natal doze:
Progressed venus in pisces/twelfth house: send out vibes to attract the affections and romace you desire (a sério? Isso funciona?! Eish, o que a malta aprende). Try to be practical, tough. Love can be deceiving and finances are easily muddled. Don't take risks with either one.
Link: http://books.google.pt/books?id=AMbl4xc4TsoC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=%22progressed+venus+in+scorpio%22&source=web&ots=Y3wNZfvqbS&sig=zQYCcbhDt1QNpxtSEC4nkJZTHuo&hl=pt-PT
"With Venus in Scorpio in the PROGRESSED Chart, the emotions and sexual desires can be strong and passionate, jealous and secretive, with much pride in sex and romance. You can take your romances too personally and too seriously, but you give much in emotional expression and expect much in return. You will become more assertive in relationships [isto é bom] and more able to let significant others know what it is you want and expect. Love and romance will be on your own terms. If a marriage is in trouble now, it will either be revived according to your terms, or you will probably terminate it. Your artistic tastes are likely to turn to the dramatic and sensational during this time. You are highly sensitive to others, and may be psychic [!!! não sei se quero isto... mas ia ajudar-me no tarot e na astrologia]. This progression gives you an intuitive mind capable of profound insights. During this period, you see things accurately, but not necessarily charitably. You will keep your personal pride and emotional dignity against all odds now, sometimes to the point of appearing cold and remote. You need to watch out for tendencies to control others in close personal relationships. [moi?!?!? >:[ jamais! :p" ]
Ficará, vénus, em escorpião até 2034 (!!!!), altura em que entrará em sagitário. Depois, em 2039 entra em conjunção com o meu neptuno progredido e um ano antes com o meu neptuno natal... maiores insights psicológicos, psíquicos, intuitivos? Uma grande dedicação a algo criativo? (Escrita ainda, espero.) Muita criatividade e imaginação? Ou: um abandono da realidade...? Daqui a 30 anos já vou ser de uma "certa idade". Por outro lado em 2038 vou sentir uma explosão de liberdade (sol progredido em conjunção com urano natal). Portanto interpreto isto assim: reformo-me e tenho finalmente tempo para me dedicar a actividades criativas a tempo inteiro.
Logo se vê.
Posso tirar um ano de folga só para escrever...?
Ou, simplesmente, ser?
Uma colega, que está lá há 2 anos, diz que o call-center tem "qualquer coisa estranha". Que está cheio de más-vibrações e que nota a diferença mal entra nele.
Enfim. Não é mentira nenhuma o que ela diz.
Pedro Tamen
Digo-te, Alice, que podes acordar
e beliscar o coelho de cartola,
o musaranho, a rainha, o gato,
podes jogar croquet.
Mas depois adormece lentamente
e sente a minha mão sob a saia de folhos.
(in O Escritor, nº 23)
Digo-te, Alice, que podes acordar
e beliscar o coelho de cartola,
o musaranho, a rainha, o gato,
podes jogar croquet.
Mas depois adormece lentamente
e sente a minha mão sob a saia de folhos.
(in O Escritor, nº 23)
sexta-feira, maio 30, 2008
Still related to... MST.
Olhem o que um anónimo (mensagem privada, não dá para ver, mês lindes) deixou no meu guestbook:
Huuuummmm. Quem tiver curiosidade pode ir verificar...
Olhem o que um anónimo (mensagem privada, não dá para ver, mês lindes) deixou no meu guestbook:
o livro chama-se''cette nuit la liberté''de Dominique Lapierre e Larry
Collins'' ed.pocketpágina 238.no Equador de MST página 245-246.
Huuuummmm. Quem tiver curiosidade pode ir verificar...
quinta-feira, maio 29, 2008
Mas 'tá toda a gente a ver a Sic?! Só me aparece malta à procura deste link:
Tadinho do Miguel Sousa Tavares que foi difamado. Vá lá, todos: TADIIIIIIIIIIIINHOOOOO DELIIIII!
(Isto era sarcasmo, não me processes homem.)
Eu sou Ferozmente a favor da Liberdade total de expressão. Acho que implodia se tivesse nascido e vivido durante a ditadura e não gosto nada que tentem ressuscistar a Dita com desculpas disto e daquilo. Qual "pré-inscrição" com os dados todos se quisermos ter um blog, qual quê! O homem não 'tá bom.
Bom, mas passando a outros assuntos! Ora Caríssimos internautas que cá vêm parar mercê do MST, fiquem vossas Excelências sabendo que eu TAMBÉM ESCREVI UMA OBRA-PRIMA, OLARILAS.
O título é:
Sr. Bentley, o Enraba-Passarinhos. (1º cap., pdf)
(Sátira, com montes de palavrões. O herói é um senhor velhinho de sobretudo que voa com um chapéu-de-chuva por Lisboa a cuspir às criancinhas.)
Podem os Estimados Internautas adquirir uma cópia deste Best-Seller (... que nunca o foi, lol) nos seguintes locais:
e aqui
e mais aqui.
(Ou, em alternativa!, podem ir à Feira do Livro de Lisboa ao pavilhão 159, onde está a minha editora Saída de Emergência. Na Feira do Livro do Porto a editora está na tenda... seja lá onde for, lol.
Ou Ainda - comprar directamente na loja online da editora: http://www.saidadeemergencia.com/index.php?page=Articles.ArticleView&article_id=41)
E que a leitura do Senhor Bentley vos Ilumine!
Tadinho do Miguel Sousa Tavares que foi difamado. Vá lá, todos: TADIIIIIIIIIIIINHOOOOO DELIIIII!
(Isto era sarcasmo, não me processes homem.)
Eu sou Ferozmente a favor da Liberdade total de expressão. Acho que implodia se tivesse nascido e vivido durante a ditadura e não gosto nada que tentem ressuscistar a Dita com desculpas disto e daquilo. Qual "pré-inscrição" com os dados todos se quisermos ter um blog, qual quê! O homem não 'tá bom.
Bom, mas passando a outros assuntos! Ora Caríssimos internautas que cá vêm parar mercê do MST, fiquem vossas Excelências sabendo que eu TAMBÉM ESCREVI UMA OBRA-PRIMA, OLARILAS.
O título é:
Sr. Bentley, o Enraba-Passarinhos. (1º cap., pdf)
(Sátira, com montes de palavrões. O herói é um senhor velhinho de sobretudo que voa com um chapéu-de-chuva por Lisboa a cuspir às criancinhas.)
Podem os Estimados Internautas adquirir uma cópia deste Best-Seller (... que nunca o foi, lol) nos seguintes locais:
e aqui
e mais aqui.
(Ou, em alternativa!, podem ir à Feira do Livro de Lisboa ao pavilhão 159, onde está a minha editora Saída de Emergência. Na Feira do Livro do Porto a editora está na tenda... seja lá onde for, lol.
Ou Ainda - comprar directamente na loja online da editora: http://www.saidadeemergencia.com/index.php?page=Articles.ArticleView&article_id=41)
E que a leitura do Senhor Bentley vos Ilumine!
"Sou a favor do amor, desde que ele não aconteça quando estão a dar desenhos animados."
Ana, 6 anos, sobre o amor
Ana, 6 anos, sobre o amor
quarta-feira, maio 28, 2008
Call center
Agora no call-center Decidiram, por sua "auto-recreação" pôr-me a folga na terça, feriado, 10 de Junho.
Matreiros - só para não me pagarem a dobrar nesse dia que, para mim, é um dia normal de trabalho.
Eu. Passei-me. Fui lá, perguntei Porquê e porque raio é que não me Tinham Perguntado Antes e que, não senhor, Não Queria Mudar a Folga. Resposta:
- Espere pelo mail. Aqui a gente não obriga ninguém.
(Quer-se dizer: Primeiro Mudam e só depois é que avisam!)
Ah pois, muito espertos. 'Tavam a ver se aquilo passava, assim, escondidinho.
Ó pá, odeio que me lixem. Detesto que me tratem com desconsideração. Ao menos tivessem perguntado antes, Porra!
Não vou mudar a folga, é que Nem Pensem.
[Adenda a 29.05.08: mandaram o e-mail hoje a dizer que tinha sido um engano e que pediam desculpa. Hummmmm! Até nem esperava que fosse assim, tão imediato! Mas, prontesss, problema resolvido.]
Matreiros - só para não me pagarem a dobrar nesse dia que, para mim, é um dia normal de trabalho.
Eu. Passei-me. Fui lá, perguntei Porquê e porque raio é que não me Tinham Perguntado Antes e que, não senhor, Não Queria Mudar a Folga. Resposta:
- Espere pelo mail. Aqui a gente não obriga ninguém.
(Quer-se dizer: Primeiro Mudam e só depois é que avisam!)
Ah pois, muito espertos. 'Tavam a ver se aquilo passava, assim, escondidinho.
Ó pá, odeio que me lixem. Detesto que me tratem com desconsideração. Ao menos tivessem perguntado antes, Porra!
Não vou mudar a folga, é que Nem Pensem.
[Adenda a 29.05.08: mandaram o e-mail hoje a dizer que tinha sido um engano e que pediam desculpa. Hummmmm! Até nem esperava que fosse assim, tão imediato! Mas, prontesss, problema resolvido.]
segunda-feira, maio 26, 2008
Corvo e Águia
Um corvo estava a chatear esta águia, e o que é que ela fez?
Agarrou nele, levou-o para o ninho e, lol, acho que foi o almoço :p
Vejam aqui:
Agarrou nele, levou-o para o ninho e, lol, acho que foi o almoço :p
Vejam aqui:
sábado, maio 24, 2008
Contactos de Plutão no mapa natal
Eu adoro Plutão. Aqui fica um artigo.
[Pessoalmente o meu Plutão contacta: lua (quadratura), sol (semiquadratura), mercúrio (sextil), marte (quincôncio), júpiter (trígono), saturno (quadratura) e neptuno (sextil - mas este é um aspecto menos "pessoalizado"). Além disso está em oposição exacta ao grau ao asteróide "Ágata" na minha casa 5, lol. Além disso o meu ascendente é escorpião... portantes penso ser bastante "plutoniana" :p]
[Pessoalmente o meu Plutão contacta: lua (quadratura), sol (semiquadratura), mercúrio (sextil), marte (quincôncio), júpiter (trígono), saturno (quadratura) e neptuno (sextil - mas este é um aspecto menos "pessoalizado"). Além disso está em oposição exacta ao grau ao asteróide "Ágata" na minha casa 5, lol. Além disso o meu ascendente é escorpião... portantes penso ser bastante "plutoniana" :p]
PLuto Contacts in the Natal Chart
Moon Pluto is the smothering controlling mother and the consequent disruption to ones development. The person learns to manipulate or otherwise exhibits intense forms emotions or alternatively denies them. This person is always going through profound ‘feeling’ changes and they find it easier to be the one in control.
Sun Pluto is the controlling Father restricting movements of his daughter because he knows what the “pluto” figure is capable of. Trouble is the Sun Pluto is in the daughters chart and she will find the power and will to go anyway. The Sun Pluto person is an organiser extraordinaire, a manager of things and constantly ”doing”. Wilful about one’s identity in the light of subconsciously losing that.
Mercury Pluto Lucky Mercury the god can go where most other gods are not allowed. Mercury and Pluto look into the micro world of facts and information. Here is the “thinking” person who cannot stop. They may apply their minds to tasks that require digging up facts that no one else would. They are private detectives and probe probe probe. Its the only way to be in control of otherwise totally blank mind; the fear is about the mind being abducted if they stop thinking.
Venus Pluto is about the disruptive early attachment and how relationships do not feel right unless there is a certain intensity. Transformations in relationships is like rebirth. Until the person finds a partner that can ‘handle’ the intensity, desire is subjugated, sexualised and then acted out. Venus Pluto is the push and pull in ones relationship, the ’loud’ drama required in relationship and a love of acting out. The relationship counsellor with the velvet fist and iron glove.
Mars Pluto is the transformative warrior and nuclear powerhouse person. Living in the underworld are the motivations for such exertions of energy or action. Mars and PLuto represent the act of rape where the the eye for an eye retribution is the projective identificatio of anger. The anger that one cannot have, or the anger that one cannot control is related to testosterone levels and highly charged sexuality. Many teachers have Mars Pluto because the classroom supplies them with the environment to be in charge, to exercise their need to be in control as opposed to despairing.
Jupiter Pluto is the control freak personified, this person has the ability to persuade and preach others about beliefs. Jupiter expands exponentially, the potential of Pluto’s power. The power requires a paradigm to effectively be used. Religious and cultish groups are grounds for many concepts indeed and its here the Jupiter Pluto person has some influence. Otherwise self righteous elements and sexual deviencies creep into subconscious workings. The obsessive compulsive.
Saturn Pluto All of Pluto’s contacts have an obsessive function and here, the issue is political. Fundamental building blocks have a way of quaking in life’s after shocks. Developmentally there is traumatic stress under the surface which requires great control. Transformations of ones reality and grounding require constant forms of authoritative investment. The executive or financial controller in contrast to powerlessness.
Uranus Pluto There is a mini generation in the mid sixties with this configuration who tend to display a kind of perverse transformative energy. It is a rebellious energy that requires constant adjustment to complex subconscious forces. Changes which come about suddenly and unexpectedly give rise to a potential of dealing with chaos. Rebelling against reforms however reverting or inverting back to the statusquo. As long as there is change for this person.
Pluto on Angle usually represents a deep sense of loss in ones life. It could be that there has been a death in the family while growing up. Its the kind of imprint in ones character that eventuates in a deeply profound sense. At the mid heaven Pluto is the Nuclear physicist turned painter. It doesn’t really matter about careers as long as one’s life has intensity. Pluto opposite the Ascendant is where we attract powerful people and controlling relationships. Projection of subconscious workings. Blaming others, wanting others to change around us. Being controlled or controlling in relationships. Perhaps not having relationships. Pluto on the Ic is the hereditary skills of our father’s father. Generational and genetic coding where personality takes on traits within our bones. Pluto at the ascendant is a powerful and intense persona, a defense to everything else within the chart. The person is constantly changing the colour of their hair or appearance.
sexta-feira, maio 23, 2008
Curso de Astrologia II
Este curso também parece interessante, sobretudo porque alia a astrologia à psicologia:
(Mas é caro... http://astropsychology.org/index.asp?pgid=6)
Um destes dias tenho mesmo de tirar um curso (estou sempre a dizer o mesmo *sigh*)
(Mas é caro... http://astropsychology.org/index.asp?pgid=6)
Um destes dias tenho mesmo de tirar um curso (estou sempre a dizer o mesmo *sigh*)
quinta-feira, maio 22, 2008
E em tarot, fosse isto uma carta (ou "lâmina"), isto seria o dois de copas.
(Muito bom este gajo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pedrolucena/)
segunda-feira, maio 19, 2008
sábado, maio 17, 2008
Marte em trânsito em trígono com Neptuno natal
Helping others
Under this influence your energy is best expressed by activities whose principal goal is helping others. You may feel like doing very little, and certainly you will not be very self-assertive. But you are able to work with a spirit of true self-sacrifice and a desire to help others. Now you are more conscious of other people's needs and wants, because your own ego needs aren't very great. The only problem to watch out for is the temptation to view yourself as a kind of "savior" helping those who are lower or worse off than yourself. This influence can always create illusions, and you may think you are being totally unselfish when you are really on one of the strongest but subtlest ego trips of all. This is a good time to look at your life objectively to see what it really is without judging or condemning.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Trine Neptune
activity period from 16 May 2008 to 20 May 2008
Estou obcecada: lucid dreaming
7 incentives to learn astral projection
7 incentives to learn astral projection
Astral Projection is the process by which human consciousness temporarily leaves the physical body and functions independently. Its amazing to realize the power of that invisible silver cord! (It case you didn't know, its what's severed by divine beings at the moment of 'passing over'). Loads of people experience astral and concur its very real. Will you choose to take their word for it? or, explore it yourself?
Now, astral travel isn't dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a stage when you become aware that you're dreaming. Astral is another step where you also travel after a conscious projection. This is a level of heightened perception. As you explore the astral dimension, your senses can seem sharper and sensations appear more real.
Mark Pritchard, who teaches an Astral course, explains Astral describes the first two planes of the 5th dimension. You may be more familliar with the first three (length, width& height) of the physical world. Time occupies the perceived 4th dimension. The 6th is the electronic dimension. The 7th is the spirit dimension.
You may ask, why desire to learn Astral anyway? Maybe you're even thinking it could be dangerous? Consider these 7 incentives which motivate astral travellers:
1) Improve clarity and conscious memory. Who doesn't desire a sharper memory? The more lucid your dreams, the more aware you become in a conscious state and the easier is to access memory. Yet, you must raise consciousness to a certain level in waking life before you will recall dreams or grasp your potential in astral.
2) Influence humans in the physical dimension. No, this isn't an opportunity to pretend you're a ghost, though you might view it that way. People may be motivated to learn astral to interact with people in the physical realm without touching them. People in the physical can't see into the higher dimensions without polyvision.
3) Connect with angels, sentient beings & your deepest self. You can send out a request for general assistance to expand on your understanding and experience of astral. You may even connect with a specific guide or spirit for other reasons. Its up to you to invoke beings or spirits you wish to sense and contact.
4) Meet other humans in astral. Humans like contacting other humans in astral. This heightens sensitivities. Yet, you and another only engage in meaningful astral exchanges and recall them in physical realms if both of you are aware in astral. One person can be conscious and see another without being able to convey a message. You can see the astral side of a physical body far away, as in check on a loved one.
5) Gain new kinds of spiritual knowledge. The astral plane offers a wealth of information on many subjects. Much of this is available in symbols. You can also learn from other travellers and beings who go there. Decipher what you choose.
6) Travel backward & forward in time. Lots of people are intrigued by time travel as a theory and wonder if its possible. Astral allows you to go backward to relive events that have occurred. These details are recorded in Akashic files. You can also sense possible future events, since details permeate down through dimensions. Yet, action in the physical can change events that were originally foreseen.
7) Contact departed loved ones. It is possible to encounter departed loved ones in astral since their spirit abides in higher dimensions. As your astral skills evolve, you will be able sense the presence of the loved one's personality, or whatever was most recognizable to you about them in the physical world. You can evolve to communicate and be recognized by them through your own traits and sensitivities.
Just so you know, everybody explores astral every night. Yet, they don't always remember experience in dream realms. Astral travel requires discipline and will power to develop the skills for consistent projection and to achieve continuity.
A wake induced lucid dream
Tenho de experimentar este método.
[Outro link: http://www.wikihow.com/Lucid-Dream]
A wake induced lucid dream, aka WILD, is when you are pulled into a dream while being fully conscious and aware you are there. This allows the you to explore limitless possibilities and live out fantasies you have only imagined!
[edit] StepsFirst a WILD requires the use of an alarm clock to wake you up after approximately 5 hours of sleep. This is done so you can become conscious one hour before the next REM (Rapid Eye Movement) period begins.
After you've woken up, you now have an hour to prepare for the REM phase. Do whatever you like for the next 50 minutes or so and spend the last 10 minutes telling yourself what you want to do before you head back to sleep.
--NOTE-- (WILDS are preformed by waking yourself up at the time before REM occurs, then going to sleep again as it occurs with you fully conscious)
Now once you've used up the hour, head back to bed and close your eyes and act like you're going to sleep again. You're trying to trick your body into sleeping while your mind is still awake, so don't move or think about anything excessively. You'll know when your body is falling asleep because you will begin to feel body paralysis. This is completely normal and shouldn't be feared. Sometimes, while you're just falling asleep normally, you will feel a sudden jolt and become fully alert.
Next you should begin to see strange patterns and colors or distorted images flashing in your eyes. Again this is normal, but we do not see this when we are normally sleeping because we are not in an REM period. Just keep waiting until these images begin to settle and become clear.
Once you see stable clear images you can now attempt to control what's happening. It may feel strange at first but whatever you can think of will be projected into your dream. You can do whatever you want to now that you're in control. Fly, walk on water, bend reality, travel anywhere in the world, and it will feel just as it would in real life, hence the word "lucid" in lucid dream.
[edit] TipsReminding yourself of your intention before going to sleep will usually get you lucid dreams to occur more often.
While in a dream you cannot panic or you will be awake again in a sweat. Staying calm is key.
Lucid dreams usually last no longer than 30 minutes, but in the dream it can seem to last for days.
Soothing music or releasing tension in muscles before heading to sleep can make your body fall asleep faster, inducing lucid dreams quicker.
[edit] WarningsDon't drink coffee or soda or anything that will keep you awake before attempting a lucid dream.
[Outro link: http://www.wikihow.com/Lucid-Dream]
Experiência fora do corpo (Out of body experience) ou projecção astral.
Links (para futura referência):
Links (para futura referência):
sexta-feira, maio 16, 2008
Still astrology...
Hoje não páro, lol.
Aos 66 anos desconfio que vou estar doente 0_o Bolas, acabo de entrar na reforma e depois adoeço! Fixe :/
Em 2039 vou ter:
- Quíron em trânsito em conjunção com o meu Saturno natal (oposto à minha lua).
- Neptuno a transitar a casa 6 (saúde).
- Plutão a 2 graus de entrar no meu IC (completa mudança nas minhas estruturas interiores, no meu ser mais profundo. Cancro?? O meu ascendente é escorpião, portanto Plutão está ligado ao meu bem-estar físico, à minha vitalidade, ao meu corpo).
- Saturno vai estar na casa 10 (como agora), a 22º de Virgem, já em quadratura (não exacta) com a minha Lua natal... (e, natalmente, Saturno está oposto à minha lua, numa quadratura em T com Plutão envolvido). Depressão? Tenho de ver o que se passará comigo, fisicamente, emocionalmente, quando Saturno em trânsito estiver a fazer o mesmo aspecto (exacto vai ser a: Outubro de 2009; aproximado: no fim deste ano).
Só espero não ficar maluquinha porque o Urano em trânsito na 9 vai estar a 2 graus da conjunção exacta com o meu Mercúrio natal: se calhar uso esse tempo de descanso forçado criativamente...
Logo se vê!
Eu vivo demasiado no futuro, tenho de ver as coisas directamente à minha frente
[Pensei mais um pouco: Saturno rege a 3 - pensamento, comunicação; neptuno está na casa 1 - corpo - a transitar a 6 - saúde -; Plutão rege a 1 - corpo... sei lá, depressão? OU: vou estar deprimida Porque vou estar doente? Quíron está na casa 5 natalmente; neptuno rege a 5 - problemas de coração...? Bom, páro! Senão fico aqui o dia todo.]
Aos 66 anos desconfio que vou estar doente 0_o Bolas, acabo de entrar na reforma e depois adoeço! Fixe :/
Em 2039 vou ter:
- Quíron em trânsito em conjunção com o meu Saturno natal (oposto à minha lua).
- Neptuno a transitar a casa 6 (saúde).
- Plutão a 2 graus de entrar no meu IC (completa mudança nas minhas estruturas interiores, no meu ser mais profundo. Cancro?? O meu ascendente é escorpião, portanto Plutão está ligado ao meu bem-estar físico, à minha vitalidade, ao meu corpo).
- Saturno vai estar na casa 10 (como agora), a 22º de Virgem, já em quadratura (não exacta) com a minha Lua natal... (e, natalmente, Saturno está oposto à minha lua, numa quadratura em T com Plutão envolvido). Depressão? Tenho de ver o que se passará comigo, fisicamente, emocionalmente, quando Saturno em trânsito estiver a fazer o mesmo aspecto (exacto vai ser a: Outubro de 2009; aproximado: no fim deste ano).
Só espero não ficar maluquinha porque o Urano em trânsito na 9 vai estar a 2 graus da conjunção exacta com o meu Mercúrio natal: se calhar uso esse tempo de descanso forçado criativamente...
Logo se vê!
Eu vivo demasiado no futuro, tenho de ver as coisas directamente à minha frente
[Pensei mais um pouco: Saturno rege a 3 - pensamento, comunicação; neptuno está na casa 1 - corpo - a transitar a 6 - saúde -; Plutão rege a 1 - corpo... sei lá, depressão? OU: vou estar deprimida Porque vou estar doente? Quíron está na casa 5 natalmente; neptuno rege a 5 - problemas de coração...? Bom, páro! Senão fico aqui o dia todo.]
Saturno em conjunção com Vénus
Este trânsito é que me assusta assim mais um bocadinho:
Saturn conjunction Venus: Harsh realizations
End of October 2008 until beginning of August 2009: This influence will have a strong effect on your relationships with others. Relationships that are solidly based will go through a period of testing and examination during which you and your loved ones and friends will become increasingly concerned about what is valid between you. A weak and unstable relationship will go through the same process, but you are more likely to conclude that it is not worth preserving. Consequently, at this time the relationships that have no purpose or that have outlived their purpose in your life will be cut off. Often you will be reluctant to let go of them.
Even in the best of circumstances you are likely to withdraw from others. During this time you have to evaluate who you are, what your individuality consists of and how all of these fit into your relationships with other people, particularly loved ones. You may come to some harsh realizations about your relationships, and even those that you thought were quite good may have to be given up. But you can be sure that any relationship that comes through this period in good shape is very real and important to you.
New relationships with a strongly "fated" quality may also come into your life now, which will have very profound significance for you in about fourteen years.
This is definitely a time to be conservative in financial matters and not take on any new financial obligations, for you may have trouble meeting your existing ones. On the other hand, this is an excellent time for firming up and organizing the financial structure of your life.
In general you should look upon this transit as a time for withdrawing into yourself with respect to others and to material possessions. This withdrawal will enable you to get a clearer idea of what and who you are, so that your future relationships with people and possessions will be more solidly based on reality and therefore more reliable and useful.
Os meus trânsitos astrológicos
Mercury Transits the Seventh House
You tend to weigh the pros and cons of every issue during this cycle, taking into account others' needs as well as your own. Some indecisiveness is possible now, simply because you naturally entertain opposing viewpoints. You have a strong desire to cooperate and communicate with others now. You feel most comfortable spending time with people on a one-to-one level, or with those with whom you share a personal history. Your own thoughts become clearer through dialogue with others. You may be doing public relations work, counseling, negotiating, or arbitration during this cycle. There is a lot of emphasis on communications with partners and best friends at this time. You can use the power of words to advise others or to make peace with people in your life. You are more diplomatic than usual during this transit.
Mercury Transits the Eighth House
You are more intuitive now than usual, picking up all of the hidden cues from people around you and reading between the lines. This is an excellent cycle in which to do some financial planning and strategizing. Research is also highly favored. It's also easier for you to approach sensitive, intimate, and personal matters with rationality and logic. As such, this is a great time to open up conversations about topics that normally might cause waves, such as those revolving around the sharing of power, intimacy, and finances.
Venus Transits the Seventh House
Special attention to and from a partner is in focus, and flattery will get you everywhere if you use it wisely. One-to-one relating appeals to you more than group activities or more casual connections. Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle. If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship. In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections--very willing to compromise, negotiate, and make peace.
Venus Transits the Eighth House [1ª semana de Junho. Gude. Money! :]
During this cycle, a financial boost is possible, or you may gain financially through your partner. A deep and intimate connection made now could be revitalizing and even healing. You are more inclined to want to smooth over differences in a partnership concerning the sharing of power, intimacy matters, finances, and other emotionally-charged topics. Intimate relationships are intensified now. Either you or your partner want a deeper union.
Mars Transits the Ninth House
During this period, you are especially enthusiastic and more bold than usual. Some restlessness and hunger for adventure is experienced now. Essentially, you are looking to expand your activities, and you may find that you have a lot of energy for higher studies, travel, or simply new subjects. Negative potentials include being excessively opinionated or getting easily fired up over differences in points of view, or legal fights.
Mars Transits the Tenth House [Huuummm. Para não andar à batatada com os chefes tenho de redirecionar as minhas energias de outro modo... interessante. Todo o mês de Julho.]
This transit stimulates your ambition and/or your desire to be recognized for your accomplishments. Whether it's professional or personal, you are likely to have an increased desire for others to notice you. This can be a good time to become self-employed or start a business if other factors (and Mars itself) are favorable. Conflicts with those in authority are possible now. You may pour more energy into self-promotion or business/career activities.
E em 2020 vou ter outro trânsito giríssimo: o meu Sol progredido vai estar a 2º Balança, conjunto ao meu Plutão natal. Ó ié 0_0
Aqui fica a interpretação:
Progressed Sun conjunct Pluto
Pluto conjunct Sun is an aspect that can totally transform your life. During this aspect, you are likely to initiate fundamental changes that have far- reaching consequences for you and for others close to you. Alternatively, you may find that forces, above and beyond your control, force a new period of life, which can be intense and disruptive when the old must now give way to the new; necessary for your personal growth and evolution. That which is no longer appropriate to your evolving personality is cast aside, making way for the new impulse of transformation to germinate. You strongly feel the need for self- improvement on some level, and it is probable that you explore all the available opportunities that are manifesting in your life. Once coming to an inner realization of what is required of you, you take determined, dynamic and powerful action to bring forth the necessary changes in order to initiate this new chapter of life. Intensified will power, self-assertion, increased leadership qualities and powerful self-expression are manifest at this time in order that you succeed in your pursuit for personal transformation, for a fresh phase of experience is now demanded. You ruthlessly eliminate useless, outworn ideas, possessions, conditions, and attitudes or find new and resourceful uses for them. Personal ties may be severed and there may be some form of organized opposition against you. Be prepared to face and deal with aggressive or revolutionary types. Money in the form of a legacy or insurance bond may bring financial support and other forms of help may come from powerful friends, social leaders or those with whom you have close karmic bonds. It is probable that you gain some psychic or occult power at this time but there is the danger that such power is used to manipulate, dictate terms or coerce others to your will. Guard against getting involved in any dubious or illegal activity. Your sexual powers will be stimulated and this can result in intense romantic involvements and possible sexual jealousy and intrigues. There could be involvement in important corporate business affairs, advanced scientific or technological activities, military affairs, and important matters dealing with life and death issues. Pluto has association with life and death; this is, symbolically, what you are facing at this time. The old you must die and the new you must be re- born. It is not an easy process and will probably be painful and traumatic in parts. The eruption of deep-seated emotional problems will be most difficult issue to resolve. The phoenix rising anew from the ashes is an appropriate analogy of this process. Yet it must be said that success is not a forgone conclusion, many do fail, but the experienced gained is invaluable and is held in reserve until the next Pluto contact.
Mas, em contrabalanço, a Vénus progredida em 2020 vai estar em conjunção com o meu Ascendente natal:
Progressed Venus conjunct Ascendant ! This very beneficial aspect will bring you much pleasure and the possibility of acquiring wealth and property. Your agreeable, attractive and helpful nature makes this a good time for advancing your social, artistic and romantic life. Strong permanent relationships can be formed at this time; engagement or marriage is possible. There may be an improvement in your domestic situation, and your general environment will be more luxurious and more comfortable that usual.
Talvez... more money? Fame and fortune, lolol, worldwide :p Logo se vê!
E em 2014 o meu Sol progredido está em quadratura exacta com a Lua natal (mesmo link):
Progressed Sun square or opposition Moon You may find that your intentions and your feelings are not quite on the same wavelength for the moment, which can make you seem unsure of yourself. This may be because you are getting mixed signals from the players around you, so you have to throw one way and catch in another. Or it may be issues inside that are stewing a bit until you readjust your external situation.
Alan Leo, in The Progressed Horoscope(1), considered the period of the square to be very challenging and even "unfortunate". However, he wrote the following: "Viewed from a higher standpoint this is a good vibration, as it quickens the personality and calls out all its strength to battle with the changing fate; for the changes, although apparently disastrous, are for eventual good."
Annie's Note: With progressed Sun to natal Moon aspects, circumstances are such that we question whether our needs coincide with our ambitions; and whether our inner personality meshes with our outer personality or life path. Often, significant events occur at the conjunction, square, and opposition, such as marriage, divorce, or a new career path. Health issues arise, and the nature of the aspect generally indicates whether the native is healthy or is susceptible to health problems. This is because these aspects have to do with balance. These aspects are about our inner sense of harmony. Sometimes, we act against our wishes, and even against our own advice, and this kind of scenario creates an imbalance. The Moon, besides its association with the home, family, and emotions, also has to do with our personal popularity. Whether or not we receive help or support from others, and/or whether others are cooperative with us, will be issues now.
Fixe... 0_0
Em... 2038 vou ter o Sol progredido em conjunção com o Urano natal (se calhar morro, lol. Daqui a 30 anos tenho... 64 anos. Hummm, a reforma??).
Progressed Sun conjunct Uranus
This year may be quite an eye-opener, as some of your most original approaches surface and you're likely to be willing to take chances on new, untested methods that have only just occurred to you. You can sell your offbeat side if you're ready to temper it with a veneer of caution, don't just spring it on people unannounced.
This aspect is regarded as one the most important regarding life changing events and it marks a major epoch in life. It heralds a period of change, progressive ideas and dynamic activity; a time to break free of past restrictions and to venture into the unknown - personal freedom is your keyword. Boredom with hum- drum routines and your need for independence, change, new experiences and creative fulfillment could denote the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in your life. It is a time when sudden and unexpected events happen, when ties and relationships of a peculiar nature are formed or broken. You attract others through your exciting, magnetic, original and sparkling personality and you will either pass through a very romantic and adventurous period, or break some existing romantic ties - your need for space. This aspect affects friendships and unions, more, perhaps, than any other planetary influence. Though you should exercise great care with regard to those who come into your life, as very strange meetings and peculiar experiences occur under this conjunction. This is a favorable period for involvement in science, engineering, progressive or unusual educational techniques; interests in astrology, reincarnation, parapsychology, and other profound subjects. This aspect is also likely to bring changes of consciousness and expansions of the mind. It brings encounters that are intended to awaken the higher part of your nature and elevate you to higher levels of consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for changes, and events that will tend to alter your future - expect occurrences of unusual psychic inspirations or other intuitive experiences. Read what Carl Jung had to say about synchronistic events and use the knowledge to 'follow the clues. His book 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections' is recommended reading at this time. There will be opportunities for travel and original creative ventures that could bring the realization of personal goals or unexpected prosperity. Unexpected help may come from innovative individuals, social reformers, New-age or Hi-Tech students. On the negative side, this aspect often brings unexpected trouble through the occupation, from superiors and those in authority. Your father or husband may suddenly drop a bombshell that brings far reaching, and possibly life changing, consequences. Your reputation is in danger during this period so there is a need to watch your back - avoid antagonizing others and do nothing that might add fuel to the flames. Be aware that during this aspect you are inclined to be rebellious, eccentric, unreliable and selfish, expecting total freedom from responsibility. If you are conscious of this fact and by applying restraint you will avoid precipitating irrevocable destructive events in your social and domestic life. You are also inclined to wayward behavior and if not checked this could lead to divorce, loss of prestige or estrangement. 'Disruption' is the key word to this aspect and if you are adverse to change and excitement then you will not be prepared for what is offered by Uranus at this time and you will swim against the flow of events. This could cause traumatic backlash that makes you feel unstable, frightened and 'out of pace' with life.
Progressed Sun sextile or trine Uranus If you're beginning to think you're the next big thing, you're probably right. At least, you're stretching your imagination to the limit and you're feeling you're well ahead of your own game. When you're sure that everyone else agrees, then make your move, as your self-assurance will take care of the rest.
Trânsito de Mercúrio
Calling a halt
Valid during several weeks: This influence does not make you mentally aggressive, but you will probably feel quite good. The only area of tension may be your personal relationships. Use this energy to have a discussion with a loved one about the state of your relationship. You may discover that the two of you do not agree in as many ways as you thought. But if you speak in a spirit of compromise, you should have little difficulty in reaching a working agreement. If you proceed from a position of inflexible righteousness, there will be disagreement and discord that could sever communications for some time. Your attitude is very important. If you attend a social gathering, have a good time, but exercise restraint. Take note of how much you have indulged yourself and call a halt at a reasonable time.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Square Venus
activity period from 16 May 2008 until beginning of July 2008
quinta-feira, maio 15, 2008
"Se é ilegal, é ilegal. Ninguém está acima dela, nem nos aviões fretados. Acho estranho que o primeiro-ministro transgrida uma lei que é sua. É revelador."
O tipo inté pediu desculpa e tudo: que bonito...
Quer dizer, podem fazer as merdas todas que quiserem, mas se depois pedirem desculpa fica tudo bem!
A lei é para os outros, não é para os "senhores": hipócrita.
"Se é ilegal, é ilegal. Ninguém está acima dela, nem nos aviões fretados. Acho estranho que o primeiro-ministro transgrida uma lei que é sua. É revelador."
O tipo inté pediu desculpa e tudo: que bonito...
Quer dizer, podem fazer as merdas todas que quiserem, mas se depois pedirem desculpa fica tudo bem!
A lei é para os outros, não é para os "senhores": hipócrita.
sábado, maio 10, 2008
Eu adoro o programa da Oprah. Às vezes penso:
- Só vejo isto mais cinco minutos - e acabo por ver o raio do programa todo.
Não me parece sequer possível que ela se reforme e que o programa acabe porque há uma imensidão de histórias no mundo à espera de serem contadas, partilhadas. Tanta, tanta coisa.
Hoje vi um programa com a Jenny Mccarthy (namorada do Jim Carrey) sobre o autismo. O seu filho, Evan, passou a sofrer de autismo após uma vacina e a sua personalidade mudou completamente. Bom, segundo a Jenny, o que o fez Recuperar (e não curar) foi a dieta livre de glúten (presente no trigo e outros cereais) e de caseína (presente nos lactícinios). Ora isto interessou-me imediatamente porque é justamente esta a dieta que eu tenho e practico fará em Novembro deste ano 4 anos. Achei muito, muito interessante que pudesse ajudar um rapazinho, crianças com autismo. Este é o género de coisa, o género de conhecimento, que a internet tornou disponível ao mundo inteiro. Sem o Google eu seria muito mais ignorante, lol :p
Seja como for, aquilo ficou-me e lá fui eu pesquisar.
Para quem tem crianças com autismo fica aqui uma página so site The GFCF Diet a relatar as histórias de sucesso de pais que abraçaram esta forma de terapia não-convencional.
Não sei porquê penso que terapias destas terão cada vez maior projeccção nos nossos dias devido ao actual trino de Saturno em Virgem (comida) e Plutão em Capricórnio (poder parental responsável). Tipo, talvez este trino Comece uma nova forma de abordar as coisas neste domínio (crianças, comidas, vacinas, ser-se pai, saúde, etc) que será posta em prática mais tarde de forma plena com a acção purificadora de Plutão em Capricórnio. Parece-me, tipo, que Saturno em Virgem serve de Gatilho para estas matérias após o qual haverá um longo período de Reestruturação e de aceitação de um novo status quo (sobretudo no que diz respeito ao que é que um Estado e um Pai responsáveis farão para manter saudáveis os seus Cidadãos/filhos. Parece-me que tudo o que antes era aceitável em termos médicos deixou de ser). Não sei se me faço entender...
Bom, se têm filhos com este problema ou se conhecem alguém que os tenham talvez este site os possa ajudar.
Um exemplo:
- Só vejo isto mais cinco minutos - e acabo por ver o raio do programa todo.
Não me parece sequer possível que ela se reforme e que o programa acabe porque há uma imensidão de histórias no mundo à espera de serem contadas, partilhadas. Tanta, tanta coisa.
Hoje vi um programa com a Jenny Mccarthy (namorada do Jim Carrey) sobre o autismo. O seu filho, Evan, passou a sofrer de autismo após uma vacina e a sua personalidade mudou completamente. Bom, segundo a Jenny, o que o fez Recuperar (e não curar) foi a dieta livre de glúten (presente no trigo e outros cereais) e de caseína (presente nos lactícinios). Ora isto interessou-me imediatamente porque é justamente esta a dieta que eu tenho e practico fará em Novembro deste ano 4 anos. Achei muito, muito interessante que pudesse ajudar um rapazinho, crianças com autismo. Este é o género de coisa, o género de conhecimento, que a internet tornou disponível ao mundo inteiro. Sem o Google eu seria muito mais ignorante, lol :p
Seja como for, aquilo ficou-me e lá fui eu pesquisar.
Para quem tem crianças com autismo fica aqui uma página so site The GFCF Diet a relatar as histórias de sucesso de pais que abraçaram esta forma de terapia não-convencional.
Não sei porquê penso que terapias destas terão cada vez maior projeccção nos nossos dias devido ao actual trino de Saturno em Virgem (comida) e Plutão em Capricórnio (poder parental responsável). Tipo, talvez este trino Comece uma nova forma de abordar as coisas neste domínio (crianças, comidas, vacinas, ser-se pai, saúde, etc) que será posta em prática mais tarde de forma plena com a acção purificadora de Plutão em Capricórnio. Parece-me, tipo, que Saturno em Virgem serve de Gatilho para estas matérias após o qual haverá um longo período de Reestruturação e de aceitação de um novo status quo (sobretudo no que diz respeito ao que é que um Estado e um Pai responsáveis farão para manter saudáveis os seus Cidadãos/filhos. Parece-me que tudo o que antes era aceitável em termos médicos deixou de ser). Não sei se me faço entender...
Bom, se têm filhos com este problema ou se conhecem alguém que os tenham talvez este site os possa ajudar.
Um exemplo:
On March 8, 2006, I was in the park with my husband and children and we met two fathers with autistic daughters. They told me about GFCF. I started the diet a week later – cold turkey. GFCF transformed my child’s life. On the second day he started making eye contact. Within a week he could recognize and recite the entire alphabet. I no longer had to call him several times to get his attention. He responded to me almost immediately. 2 months later he “flunked” out of his speech therapy class, because he had become so talkative. After only 2 months on the GFCF diet (with no vitamin or other supplements) he showed 10 months of improved development. 7 months into the diet, Philip is attending regular Pre-school and his language skills are nearly age appropriate.
sexta-feira, maio 09, 2008
quinta-feira, maio 08, 2008
Cartas de Tarot
As minhas cartas de tarot são:
Sol/Roda da Fortuna/Mágico
Podem calcular as vossas aqui e ver o seu significado aqui.
Sol/Roda da Fortuna/Mágico
Podem calcular as vossas aqui e ver o seu significado aqui.
quarta-feira, maio 07, 2008
Sem acesso
Estive estes dias sem acesso porque o PC foi para arranjar (não arrancava). Agora parece estar tudo bem... esperemos que continue assim.
quinta-feira, maio 01, 2008
Just 'cause I like Pluto
Pluto is now going back into Sagittarius, where it will conjunct the point where it last conjuncted Venus, at 29 Sagittarius on January 24th, 2008. Pluto will be at 29 Sag 56 on June 16th, 2008, and November 25th, 2008. In addition, there will be another Venus-Pluto conjunction on November 12, 2008. Mars will also activate this conjunction when it hits the point of its occurrence
in Januray 2008, on December 26-7, 2008.
This Venus-Pluto theme will be with us all this year, digging up a large dose of danger, abuse, misogyny and attacks on women and girls. Old cases will come to the surface, as well as new. The good thing about Pluto is that it drags the poisons and toxins and cruelty and violence out into the open from the caves and tunnels and the underworld where people have hidden it. Pluto is Lord of the Underworld, and rules the world of the Dark. He symbolizes birth, death, rebirth. Pluto represents whatever we want to hide in the closet, in the basement, in the hiding places of our minds.
Pluto only lets us hide things for so long - and then he says that time is up - and he eliminates, forces out, whatever is blocked. Pluto calls in the police, the C.I.A., the medical doctor, the psychiatrist, and sometimes all of these at the same time.
De volta
Cá estou, de volta.
Trocaram o modem ontem, aparentemente o outro estava avariado.
In other news: hoje tenho de trabalhar, apesar de ser o dia do trabalhador. Não é giro? Não é?
Trocaram o modem ontem, aparentemente o outro estava avariado.
In other news: hoje tenho de trabalhar, apesar de ser o dia do trabalhador. Não é giro? Não é?
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