sábado, maio 31, 2008


A 18 de Junho'08 a minha vénus progredida entra no signo de Escorpião... I wish I knew what that means, lol.


Progressed venus in scorpio/eight house: significant financial gains can be yours in the years ahead (FIXE!); plan accordingly. Love can be stormy (eu levo o impermeável), bul also more passionate. Tame jealousy and possessiveness and open your heart.

A Vénus está quase quase a entrar na minha casa 11 (progredida).

Progressed venus in aquarius/eleventh house: metal connections outweigh pure passion in relationships. You also subtly distance yourself from people as independence becomes more important. Be generous yet economical with money.
Ok... isto parece que está a dizer duas coisas diferentes ao mesmo tempo... mas penso que a importância maior é a do signo.

E, ao mesmo tempo, vénus progredida está na minha casa natal doze:

Progressed venus in pisces/twelfth house: send out vibes to attract the affections and romace you desire (a sério? Isso funciona?! Eish, o que a malta aprende). Try to be practical, tough. Love can be deceiving and finances are easily muddled. Don't take risks with either one.

Link: http://books.google.pt/books?id=AMbl4xc4TsoC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=%22progressed+venus+in+scorpio%22&source=web&ots=Y3wNZfvqbS&sig=zQYCcbhDt1QNpxtSEC4nkJZTHuo&hl=pt-PT
"With Venus in Scorpio in the PROGRESSED Chart, the emotions and sexual desires can be strong and passionate, jealous and secretive, with much pride in sex and romance. You can take your romances too personally and too seriously, but you give much in emotional expression and expect much in return. You will become more assertive in relationships [isto é bom] and more able to let significant others know what it is you want and expect. Love and romance will be on your own terms. If a marriage is in trouble now, it will either be revived according to your terms, or you will probably terminate it. Your artistic tastes are likely to turn to the dramatic and sensational during this time. You are highly sensitive to others, and may be psychic [!!! não sei se quero isto... mas ia ajudar-me no tarot e na astrologia]. This progression gives you an intuitive mind capable of profound insights. During this period, you see things accurately, but not necessarily charitably. You will keep your personal pride and emotional dignity against all odds now, sometimes to the point of appearing cold and remote. You need to watch out for tendencies to control others in close personal relationships. [moi?!?!? >:[ jamais! :p" ]


Ficará, vénus, em escorpião até 2034 (!!!!), altura em que entrará em sagitário. Depois, em 2039 entra em conjunção com o meu neptuno progredido e um ano antes com o meu neptuno natal... maiores insights psicológicos, psíquicos, intuitivos? Uma grande dedicação a algo criativo? (Escrita ainda, espero.) Muita criatividade e imaginação? Ou: um abandono da realidade...? Daqui a 30 anos já vou ser de uma "certa idade". Por outro lado em 2038 vou sentir uma explosão de liberdade (sol progredido em conjunção com urano natal). Portanto interpreto isto assim: reformo-me e tenho finalmente tempo para me dedicar a actividades criativas a tempo inteiro.
Logo se vê.

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