sábado, agosto 02, 2008

Outros artigos sobre o Quintil

Fonte: http://www.mooncatsastrology.com/astro2/quintiles.htm


The Power of 5 in Astrology

by Danielle A. Ricard - 2001

in the lives of Modern Legends of Music, Film and Politics

Skip the Intro to Page 2

Often overlooked in Astrological practice, I have found the quintile to be extremely useful in assessing personality traits. Quintiles show in what areas of life one is powerfully driven. These 1/5th or 1/10 (of a circle) aspects between planets create compulsive tendencies imbedded so deeply in one's being that they can become insurmountable, uncontrollable behavior patterns. Quintiles may be quite upsetting if we're not aware of them! They often show personality traits that we can't seem to help or even understand. While this may sound daunting, I believe that Quintiles give us incredible strengths and powers that push us to succeed in whatever it is we are here on this earth to accomplish.

Much more compelling than the dynamic Square aspect, the quintile sends us beyond reason into areas of the psyche that don't care whether or not we conform to or fit in with others. Depending on the closeness of the aspect (by degrees in orb) and the planets or personal points involved, our behavior may become obsessive and uncontrolled. On the other hand, without such compulsions, many of us would flounder in a sea of mediocrity.

In esoteric tradition, 5 is the number of humanity. It represents the mind - that which empowers us to act for ourselves. The 5 represents self-serving, even magical powers. In Tarot - 1 is beginnings, 2 is partnership, 3 is birth, 4 is our foundation & security and 5 is the "unleashing" of our true nature. With the five, we find that we have "gone too far!" In the Tarot pip cards - the 5 of cups creates sorrow, wands creates discord, swords creates a feeling of being wrong and pentacles - material failure. They all seem grim, but they simply illustrate the tragic result of a lack of awareness for the power we wield.

When I discovered my big quintile - Moon 7th house/ Venus & Neptune 9th house - I was relieved to find out what made me behave sometimes irrationally in relationships. Very simply - when there is not harmony, I can't stand it! and I will persist in "making" my partner, friend, child (whoever!) be happy and pleased with me. Rejection is not acceptable... if I don't win my loved one over, I feel absolutely crazed! Knowing this has helped a great deal in recognizing how illogical and unreasonable I can become. I have slowly over the years worked at overcoming this aspect of my personality, and I am grateful to my brother for pointing out the importance of quintiles to me - (thanks Gary!). A less strong quintile between Mercury and Jupiter reveals my compulsion to uncover and learn as much as I can (hours spent at the computer!), and an even weaker quintile between the Moon and Mars hints at my need to act out my emotions immediately. Fortunately I have a strong Saturn that curbs my reactions somewhat. I have learned that these quintiles, while sometimes annoying, keep me on course. They add to my personal magnetism, and help assure that I do something of value every day!"

Já começo a perceber o meu BQ de Júpiter a Saturno. Uma complusão para aprender e (sobretudo!) escrever (Júpiter na casa 3) sobre matérias do oculto (Saturno na casa 8), nomeadamente astrologia, mas não só. Como Saturno quer as coisas Estruturadas isso leva-me à hipótese de que, provavelmente, acabarei por tirar um curso Como Deve Ser (daqueles que levam anos e têm exames e dão diplomas) de Astrologia.

Outro artigo: http://www.aquariuspapers.com/astrology/2007/01/quintile_tredec.html

"This aspect represents specialization, gifts, and unique conditions. It is an aspect of creativity. No matter how similar it may be to other quintiles in other charts and times, each quintile is a unique quality or condition, a "quintessential" circumstance that has been weaved out of the "biospheric" responses of the "4" into the human "5th."

It represents a high degree of specialized force or form, something unique brought forth, transformed out of the generic materials. Thus it shows a point of high individualization, a unique stage of development, or a talent or gift recognized and/or articulated."

"The Biquintile, as the name implies, is a 144 degree aspect showing a unique interactive situation, where one gift interacts with another gift, creatively and/or regeneratively. It is an interactive unique form of self-expression that often involves other people and their unique gifts, whether they align harmoniously with yours or not."

Hum, quer dizer que o Biquintil precisa de INTERACÇÃO. Interessante.

Mais outro artigo:


I have read that quintiles bestow a person with an ability to physically and creatively manifest things related to the planets, houses and signs involved. This is often good for artists, or people who work with materials or tangible things. It could also be a person who knows how to manipulate energy, possibly Tai Chi or Kung Fu.

Outro artigo:


"But, perhaps one of the more revealing lists in terms of quintiles comes from a collection of poets and writers."

"They have taken the mundane and ordinary and added something original to it. They have worked consciously with symbolism and expressed that to the world in an original manner, or they have stood as symbols themselves. They have stood outside the normal order of humanity and shown that “something extra” that noone else had quite been able to do. In short, they had been a link in some manner between the Mind of God and humanity, either rightly or wrongly, and have added to the richness of human experience as a result. In another way of looking at it, they did their bit in one way or another to shift the paradigms of human thought."

"The phrases: “Yesterday's science fiction is today's science fact.” and “God geometrizes.” may seem to be unrelated, but they do, in fact, say a lot about how quintiles operate and what the true nature of science and mind really is. I have spoken many times about how outer life is but a symbolic expression of inner realities in the life of the Soul. It is the nature of the human mind to enquire and to aspire to greater things. Restless beings, are we, and our lot in life is divine discontent. No matter how much we know there is always something else that would make our lives better and more manageable, and it is this very dynamic that has given rise to science. Every time we pierce through the veils of ignorance and illusion we wrest another piece of God's puzzle from the Grand Design and make it our own. We thus come a little closer to understanding the Mind of God in our own way. That which we have dreamt for ourselves and our ken becomes reality for all when we know how to manifest them. The symbolism of the divine becomes “cold, hard fact”. It will come as no surprise, then, that science is but occultism made everyday reality and concrete to the average person. Our dreams (science fiction) become reality (science fact). And, guess what—the basis of all science is mathematics, and numbers are one of the ultimate sets of symbols for us."

"Quintiles bring us newness and greater connectedness with God. They show us the way to a better understanding of the universe and of the beauty of creation. By putting us in touch with the greater Archetypes we are empowered to be more than we were and to stand apart from the status quo and show our uniqueness as human beings. But we can only do this if we have even only a tenuous link with the higher Self. If a person has quintiles in his or her chart, then such a connection, if existent, becomes a channel for the voice of the Soul to pour forth into the lives of all around them. Having quintiles in a chart is no guarantee of such a connection, however."

"... quintiles are usually only activated after a personal struggle unless the Soul-force is already strong within the individual. A study of the lives of the previously-listed individuals will more than likely reveal that their genius was only released after some personal upheaval. All this makes the quintile sound more like a Uranian type of influence, but the quintile does not bring on the crises. It is only active after the fact."

E outro artigo:


And I do tend to notice the Quintile family of aspects in charts of artists. Somehow, they always seem to stand out in the charts of the artists I have worked with.

(Mas este artigo repete o que já postei acima.)

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