sábado, agosto 02, 2008


Estou a analisar um mapa cheio de Quintis e Biquintis.

Segundo o site:


O Quintil:

Quintiles are measured from plus or minus seventy-two degrees. Bi- quintiles are measured from plus or minus one hundred and forty four degrees which is one or two fifths of a circle. When planets are quintile or bi-quintile this is an indication of uncommon creative energy and talent. They are trend-setters and need an audience. The energy here is specialized and purposely striving toward power. Quintile and bi-quintile energy can be romantic, playful and demonstrative. The quintile family of aspects can indicate science, math and engineering. There's a need to make things happen. Cosmic will seems to be at play here, so if creative things aren't happening, then look for destruction. Quintiles and bi-quintiles bring a certain dignity, clarity, pride and unusual sexual energy. A quintile resonates with the Sun, Fixed, Fire and Leo energy.

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