sábado, janeiro 03, 2009

Previsão para Janeiro de 2009

Eish, esta é Tão positiva que decidi pô-la no blog.
Apesar de ser para Sagitário, tem muito a ver comigo não só porque tenho a lua em Sagitário, mas também porque os trânsitos actuais estão a ocorrer (no meu mapa natal) nas casas mencionadas.

Veremos se este optimismo todo da mulher tem razão de ser!

(Podem ver os restantes signos aqui.)

«Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Over the past two years you have accomplished a great deal and learned about what was truly important to you. Two years ago, in 2007, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, was in Sagittarius for the full year. That was a glorious time where you were able to set forth a whole new cycle. The seeds you were to plant in that year would serve to be important in the decade to come. Last year, 2008, you began to see financial reward for the hard work you did in 2007, especially in regard to the decisions and ventures you put in place.

As you begin January 2009, Jupiter is packing his bags and is ready to leave your second house of income on January 5. If you didn't ask for a raise yet, you must do so the moment you get back to work on January 2. The new moon that appeared just days before the New Year started, on December 27, 2008, will still be strong in early January and can still help you. Saturn will be beautifully angled to the Sun on January 2, so you can find ways to stabilize your income.

If your present employer cannot give you a raise, you may want to see what opportunities exist with other firms. Having said that, money is not the only qualifier in life. If you love your job, you will want to stay. Passion for one's work always counts for more, and ultimately allows you to be successful. Do ask for a raise even if you plan to stay, while your chart glows for more money.

When Jupiter moves into Aquarius on January 5, you will move into a new phase, one that will allow you to develop your talents in the communication arts. While this trend will be big throughout 2009, it will be doubly strong in January and February. Jupiter in Aquarius blends beautifully with your fire sign Sagittarius Sun, so you will more easily absorb Jupiter's gifts. All year you will have Jupiter supporting you and looking for opportunities to bring to you, and that's a wonderful prospect.

In the coming year you will learn to communicate in a new way, through new forms and mediums. If you always hoped to get a job as a contributing editor for a magazine, newspaper, or important Internet site, you may get your wish. If you are already a veteran writer, you may negotiate a big contract with an impressive advance or be asked to host a radio or TV show.

If you are an editor, you may work on bigger projects - some quite high profile - and in so doing, enjoy the concepts and ideas that swirl around you. Ideas always energize you, but now more than ever. You may be asked to join a speaker's bureau and begin to lecture around the country. If you have your own business, you should consider doing an advertising or publicity campaign, for it would show wonderful profits.

You will travel quite a bit in coming months with Jupiter in Aquarius, so much so that you may need to get a car if you don't have one.

Jupiter in Aquarius will urge you to go digital in a big way, too. You will want to tap new technology to help you become more organized, and you may also decide to take courses to learn new software. If you have an old computer or cell phone, you will buy new ones. No matter what you need, February will be your best time to shop. Start to do your research this month so you'll be ready to act next month.

Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, so many of the trends that will be so prevalent in January won't be manifested until February. Mercury brings delays and problems, so be sure not to sign any contracts in January, not even prior to January 11. I suppose it would be OK to do so from January 1-4, but I don't want you to come too close to this retrograde period, for things will not work out as planned.

You will feel the slowdown all month. January will be a particularly bad time to buy electronic items, as they will not work properly or you will pay too much for the one you chose - later you'll see a sale and be sorry you rushed. It's also possible a newer model will come out in February and you will be sorry you shopped earlier. Wait until after February 4 - you will be glad you did.

To make sure you see this new trend, the universe has lined up several big events.

The first date to watch will occur over a two-day period, January 23-24, when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun. This aspect brings what I always call "the luckiest day of the year." Because the Sun and Jupiter will be in your third house, some of the things we have been talking about so far concerning communication, publishing, or broadcasting could come up.

Additionally, a long distance trip may come up and be a source of great excitement. If you go for business, you will come back with the order. If you go for pleasure, you may go to see family, or just to have fun with friends, or to spend time alone with your partner and enjoy the privacy that weekend provides. The accommodations would be beautiful and quite luxurious, for Jupiter will see to that!

If you can take a day off from work, consider taking a trip over January 23-25 - you'd have a great time. If you cannot get away, you may get very good news from people abroad that will delight you and include an opportunity you had not anticipated.

You may also get good news from your sister or brother, as the third house of the horoscope, which will be so brilliantly lit for you, rules siblings, too. If you were considering getting into business with a sibling, this would be a good time to talk about it. You can't sign documents yet, as Mercury will be retrograde, but you can discuss your plan together.

If you are a high school student visiting colleges to decide which one you'd like to attend in September, schedule your interview for January 23 or 24, your best days of the YEAR for this activity! It would also be a good day to take a major exam.

Anything having to do with academia will do well, so if you are a professor or teaching instructor at a college and want to present an idea to the powers at the top, do so over one of these two days.

On Monday, January 26, a solar eclipse will arrive, and being a new moon, will open you up to enormous opportunities. The areas for gain include writing, journalism, editing, research, computer code writing, documentary work, lecturing, teaching, public relations, publicity, marketing, and sales. The media is your area here, so publishing glitters.

Additionally, your opportunity may center on something having to do with radio or TV, or the Internet, as Aquarius is quite "electrical" and includes all electronic media. You may be offered a top job as a host, producer, talent executive, or other member of the staff. You may start a blog, or unveil a new or redone website. This eclipse may give you the green light for a TV pilot you've been working on, which would also be exciting.

Communities will become very important to you at this eclipse and in future weeks and months. You may find you will be working quite closely with one or more groups, as your main job or in your free time. You may join the board of your condo, or you may volunteer for a charity to help a group that has been disadvantaged. If so, this would be a path to much personal growth.

Solar eclipses are powerful, and this eclipse falling close to Jupiter suggests that this will be a very exciting time and that your project could grow quite large. Jupiter will always give you "more" of everything you touch, so you may be amazed by how quickly it grows.

If you were born on November 28 or within five days of this date, you will be in a position to take full advantage of this eclipse. Keep your eyes open for opportunity in the days that follow. It is very possible that you have other planets in a fire or air sign of 6.5 degrees, so you could hear news even if you were not born on November 26. Stay optimistic. This is a lovely month!

Sometimes an eclipse does not deliver news until Mars moves over the precise degrees of the eclipse, so that would bring us to February 12-14. Watch those days, for sure.

Other eclipses deliver their news one month to the day later, plus or minus four days, which means you should pay attention to the time near February 26.

It appears your home life has been on your mind. On January 9, when the Sun and Uranus will be in lovely conversation, you could see some very upbeat developments. If you were trying to sell a house, lease an apartment, get approved for a mortgage, or are waiting to hear any other home-related news, this day could bring you the breakthrough you've waited to hear.

The arrival of Venus to this sphere on January 3-February 4 could help you on several fronts, too. The most likely way would be to help you spruce up your apartment or house with small pretty touches, such as with flowering house planets, new linens, or a new set of dishes. Mercury will be retrograde, so it would not be a time to buy furniture or accept delivery on furniture, for it might arrive damaged. Have your deliveries scheduled for after February 4, leaving some space from the day Mercury goes direct on February 1. (This presupposes you bought your furniture earlier than in January. No shopping this month, except for little things.)

Venus will be in lively conversation with Uranus on January 22, a fantastic day for a party at home or for hearing very good home-related news.

In your career, watch Friday, January 16, for praise or a sure sign that you are on the right track - with Mercury moving close to Jupiter, you should be happy about the news you receive. It would be a great day to give a presentation or to visit with a client out of town. Mercury is your natural ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors, so expect to see that you are advancing forward.

Mercury and Jupiter will peak in conjunction on January 18, a Sunday, but most people don't work weekends. If you do, keep your ears open for good career breakthroughs over the weekend, too. There will be some "spillover" to this on Monday, January 19, as well. If you find that these days prove to miss the mark, it may be because Mercury is still retrograde. In that case, you will get a second chance on February 24, so keep your spirits up and redouble your efforts!

Financially, you seem to be spending quite a bit of money this month. As said earlier, late last month your prospects for money were excellent (and they continue to be so during the first four days of January). Perhaps you made a large commission or bonus and you are happily spending part of it for things you need. Your high level of spending will drop dramatically next month when Mars leaves Capricorn.

You have several special days this month that will help you make more money, stabilize the money you have, and polish off some debt.

On January 2, Jupiter will still be visiting your income house, and the Sun and Saturn will be at perfect angles. This is a day to ask for a raise, and also to set up a savings account. January 2 would also be a day to successfully negotiate for a bargain.

By the full moon, January 10, plus or minus three days, you will need to settle a financial matter. You may write a check to pay a large bill or commit to a new financial obligation. This full moon is in good angle to Uranus, so perhaps you will see money come in too, quite unexpectedly.

Another unexpected chunk of money - or discovering a means to earn more money through a part-time or freelance job - may come your way on January 22. If you offer creative services, your chances of making out well are doubled. Real estate matters will shine brightly as well. This is due to the interaction of Mars and Uranus in a friendly way - financial surprises abound, but it seems to be ones you'd really like.

Romantically, if you are single, your best prospects will come up when traveling a short distance, whether at your destination or on a train or plane. This could be true even while moving around your neighborhood (a reason to dress nicely when dashing out of the house)! As mentioned earlier, you may want to take a three-day weekend away over January 23-25, a great time to do so, for those are your "luckiest days of the year."

Alternatively, with lots of good energy also centering on your home, you may want to give a party there on Thursday, January 22. You will not only have Mars in perfect angle to Uranus (surprises galore), but Venus will conjoin Uranus too (kisses everywhere). It's a wow of a day. If giving a small get-together on a Thursday is hard to do, and you aren't going away over January 24, you could give your party at home on January 24 then when Jupiter will be with the Sun, and Venus will signal Mars. That day rates four stars, too.

Attached? You will enjoy the days I just mentioned, but you will ALSO enjoy the weekend of January 17-18, when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, a once-a-year event. Your marriage and committed partnership sector will receive glittering vibrations, so it should be a cozy weekend to talk, hold hands, and enjoy being together. If grandma will baby sit for your small children, it would be the perfect weekend for booking a bed and breakfast out of town to enjoy the scenery and the privacy that only one night away can bring.

If you are single, know that the new moon at the end of March will bring greater opportunities for you than the ones you receive now. Keep smiling - your days are getting better and better.


Jupiter moves signs once a year, and when he does, it's big news. On January 5, Jupiter will enter Aquarius for the first time since 1997. Jupiter will remain a year in your third house of communication, helping you expand your talents in this area in a very joyful way. In case you're thinking, "What could that be? Will I learn better grammar?" rest assured that this expansive influence will extend much farther than that!

Jupiter will help you in all the communication arts and urge you to become exposed to new areas, beyond what you are used to. If you have always written reports for your job, your boss may ask you to become a spokesperson for your company or to teach others your skills.

If you are a veteran writer, you may be asked to host a TV show, or you may start a blog. You may update your website or unveil a new one. You may take a course in improvisation for fun and be surprised to see it helps you open up your creative thinking and generate ideas for projects at work. There are so many possibilities. Jupiter in Aquarius blends smoothly with your Sun in Sagittarius, a trend you will enjoy all year. This means you will more easily and naturally absorb the gifts that Jupiter has to bring you this year.

Because communication forms the cornerstone of all human relationships, this is a huge trend, for it will help you communicate more clearly in all your interactions - romantically, in your career, and with friends, too. You'll be more persuasive about "selling" ideas you are passionate about, and you will also be more open and interested in hearing ideas of others.

So important is communication that the ancients devoted a whole house of the horoscope to it! If you work in one of the following fields you will have an extra bit of luck from this trend: writing and publishing, editing, research, public relations, marketing, sales, teaching, advertising, publicity, journalism, and broadcasting.

Jupiter in Aquarius will coax you to go digital in a big way, for Aquarius rules new technology. You may want a new flat screen TV, computer, or other gadget. If so, do your research this month but shop in February. You would do well to learn new software, for it would help you become more efficient and productive. You have a very busy year ahead, and it appears you'll be traveling too - being organized with electronics will be helpful.

Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, so that means even though you'll be aching to spend your holiday cash that a kind relative gave you, you have to wait until February to buy. Anything purchased now would prove to be "off" in some way, and you'd not be happy with your decision. Wait until after February 4 to shop, leaving some room from February 1, and you'll be glad you did.

The luckiest day of the year is a day we all look forward to with anticipation. This year it falls on January 23-24 (bridging two days because the aspect peaks on the 24th in the wee hours of the morning). Every year Jupiter and the Sun meet in a different part of the chart, and this time they are meeting in your communication and travel sector, the same area you and I have been discussing.

You may travel or hear very good news about a publishing or broadcasting venture. Jupiter is the planet of miracles, so you may not be expecting the breakthrough you receive at this time or in the days that surround these days. It is also possible that you will be dealing with foreign people on the phone. If so, news is due to make you very happy indeed!

The first of six eclipses this year is due on January 26. Eclipses bring dramatic events. This one is a new moon, so it will open a new path - it will be an exciting one, because this one falls so close to Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. You may hear news on the day or within one week - or one month to the day later plus or minus four days. You must also watch February 12-14 for possible news.

What will occur? There are many possibilities. You may be traveling a short distance, but even so, the news at that outlying city is good - a meeting taken there would bring reason for celebration. You may be focused on a family member, most likely a sister or brother, who either has good news to share, or who will have an idea for you to do together. Always take seriously the opportunities that come up at eclipses, for they have weight and meaning and are meant to help you advance and evolve in new ways. Personal growth awaits!

Romantically, although the end of March will bring your big moment to meet someone new if single, this month may bring some happy, memorable moments, too. The last part of January will be your best, and you may meet someone at your destination when traveling or on a public conveyance, especially near January 22-25.

If you feel like staying home, give a party on January 22 or 24 - ask friends to bring someone you don't know whom they'd like you to meet!

Attached? Kidnap your partner over the weekend of January 17-18 for a truly romantic weekend for two.

Enjoy your month, dear Sagittarius. You have so many new things to look forward to in your New Year!

Dates to note:

Most romantic days: January 22, 23-25. Runner up dates: January 4, 16, and 17.

Ask for a raise: January 2 when Saturn trines the Sun.

Finish a financial obligation and conclude a money-matter: at the full moon January 10 (plus or minus 3 days). More money may come in at this time too, quite unexpectedly.

Freelance work or a sale of property brings cash: January 22

Your spending will be high: all month, until February 4.

Applying to college, having an entrance interview, or taking a big exam? Do so January 23 or 24.

Your luckiest days of the year when Jupiter will conjoin the Sun: January 23 and 24. Publishing and broadcasting, sales, and all forms of communication, and travel shine.

A home-related matter brings an upturn: January 9.

A trip taken January 23-25 should be glorious.

Give a party at home: January 22 or 24 if you don't travel.

Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1. Make no firm decisions, buy nothing expensive (especially not an electronic item), and do not sign contracts. The road ahead is a bit obscured. Next month you will know more and will be glad you held back.

Romantically, January 22 is tops. Circulate if single.

Attached? The weekend of January 17-18 shines for a weekend away alone with your sweetheart or spouse.»

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