sábado, novembro 08, 2008


Karma is the vibration that was missing from your name at birth and is what you are trying to learn in this lifetime.

Os números que me faltam são o 3 e o 8:

Karma of Three - The number Three represents the qualities of self-expression, communication and sociability. The person who lacks this influence has avoided development in these areas. The lessons in this lifetime involve learning how to successfully communicate with all facets of society; involves developing an active social life that does not become superficial or trivial and involves the development of some form of creative expression and an association with those who are expressing their own artistic talent.

Karma of Eight - The Eight Karma involves learning how to use money and power wisely. In past lifetimes you may have abused money or power or not bothered involving yourself in the world of commerce. The power that you must learn about may also have to do with psychic power. [Fixolas. Eu vou desenvolver Poderes!, lol.]

In this lifetime, you may find that your income has great peaks and valleys until you learn how to wisely use this resource and that money is only energy and that material possessions are not your prime goal.

You will come up against strong individuals who force you to develop your own personal power. This personal power includes the ability to not be intimidated by others and the ability to successfully use power techniques in a responsible manner.

Vejam os vossos números!

["The KARMA number is simply any number from one to nine that does NOT appear in the full name that you were given at birth."]

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