quinta-feira, dezembro 18, 2008

Artigo de Astrologia

Um artigo que achei interessante, retirado daqui:



The Fed still doesn't get it

Pois parece que não... ainda não perceberam que baixar continuamente os juros é idiota e que isso não vai fazer magicamente reverter o tempo e voltarmos à época de Plutão em Sagitário. Esta é a era de Plutão em Capricórnio, baby, e isso no longer works.

"The US Federal Reserve yesterday dropped its funding rate to the lowest point ever, hoping to generate more borrowing in order to generate economic growth, and also indicated that it was going to increase the money supply in an attempt to stave off deflation. The problem is that the mood of this economic downturn is driven by the overall influence of Pluto through Capricorn which requires that any system which is corrupt or built on anything other than solid fundamentals be broken down and rebuilt."

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