quinta-feira, julho 09, 2009




(Com previsões para Julho. Abaixo deixo aquela que é relevante para mim. Podem ver os outros signos na mesma página. Aconselho a leitura do signo Ascendente.)


The full moon lunar eclipse on July 7 could make you aware of a building potential or conflict of interest, or a misread on someone or something. If a long-standing issue with a sibling, friend, or associate resurfaces, know what follows opens the door to improvement. It will be your opportunity to say, do, correct, and heal, whatever was left unsaid. Directly or indirectly, you could hear news of a friend, relative, or associate who is having a tough time. Professional or team placements, client contracts, re real estate and auction sell-offs, another's loss could be your great gain. This lunar eclipse can also prompt an overhaul or complete turnaround re marriage, plans, creative undertakings, travel, legal matters, broadcasting, or advertising programs, writing projects, scholastic ambitions or choices, or other aspirations. The synchronistic solar eclipse July 21 could put you in the limelight, wanted or not. You could feel exposed or revealed in an untimely way, but for the most part this solar eclipse stands you in good stead. Added excitement, social and romantic opportunity and desirable attention can come your way. It is the right time to take a vacation, a relationship break, or to set yourself free in some other significant way.

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