sexta-feira, setembro 26, 2008

Quíron conjunção com lua

Não tenho este trânsito, só vou ter em 2009 e em progressão.

A healing sleep ***

Valid during many months: If you can now make a conscious effort to understand your dreams they could reveal aspects of yourself which you were unaware existed. You can achieve this by being open to their message, perhaps guiding your dreams towards themes that particularly concern you.

From antiquity up until the middle-ages people often used a technique known as "healing" or "temple sleep" (or so-called incubation), to help them reach a deeper understanding of themselves or try to alleviate suffering. Elaborate preparations preceded such ceremonies: ritual cleaning, prayer and meditation were carried out to prepare the dreamer for the coming experience. If anything happened - which usually meant making contact with the appropriate deity - this often resulted in an illness being cured or the discovery of a solution to a problem.

Even if we no longer believe that Gods have the power to heal or induce some kind of rebirth, our dreams can still reveal to us the underlying causes behind our psychological and physical suffering. However, in order to achieve any kind of healing effect we need to remain open, make the necessary preparations, and it may even help the process, if we find an appropriate place to sleep.

During this time contacts with women who care for you in some way could become very important. If this happens then allow yourself to be mothered, and pay attention to the feelings this awakens. Try to overcome any resistance you feel because of your fear of appearing vulnerable. If you can do this, you might discover that you have long been yearning for such attention.

Chiron Conjunction Moon

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

Grata pela informação, estou passando por esse transito e senti realmente vontade de dormir...