"Ah, but surely the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff are no different from the Islamists who scream for the blood of the infidel? Well, as a matter of fact, yes. Tom Toles has no reason to go into hiding for fear of being shot and hacked to death on the streets of Washington D.C. Well, not for his cartoons, at any rate.
Americans get worked up over many things sacred and profane. But I don't recall Bill Donohue and his Merry Men strapping on explosives and detonating themselves in the Brooklyn Museum a few years back. We write sternly worded letters and march and vent, and then we get on with our lives. We don't storm buildings with assault rifles and threaten to kill or kidnap those who would insult us.
Muslims the world over may be offended at the illustrations of their prophet. But they should be sickened and appalled at the behavior of their fellow believers.
We apologize for nothing. Police your own. Find the nerve."
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